Movie: Paycheck
Watched Ben Afleck's PayCheck tonight. It's actually pretty good. It's been a while since I've seen a relatively decent movie. The first 5 - 10 minutes was almost cheesy. And we all know that "cheesy" is NOT a good word to describe a science fiction movie. If I have a longer attention span, I can write cheesy science ficiton any time of the day. But then it picks up, and the plot thickens more and more. Thumbs up for this movie. Directed by John Woo, no wonder some of the car-chasing scene looks so familiar. I grew up with those car-chasing scenes. XD
The BEST part about the movie? Nobody is whispering behind me. No annoying cell phones. No popcorn bag rustling sound. I can actually ENJOY the movie instead of battling my annoyance. Uma Thurman is in the movie too!
(Widescreen Edition)
The BEST part about the movie? Nobody is whispering behind me. No annoying cell phones. No popcorn bag rustling sound. I can actually ENJOY the movie instead of battling my annoyance. Uma Thurman is in the movie too!
(Widescreen Edition)
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