Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Sunday, February 29, 2004

I like a lot of things but I have a very short attention span so I never truly mastered anything. ;_; Recently my strongest interest was the gay marriage issue in San Francisco. Even as a heterosexual person (who is happily married, btw) I think what Mayor Newsom did is very cool. :) I believe that a marriage should be between two person who are in love. The gender of the couple is so irrelevant. I think that people who oppose to gay marriage are selfish and narrow minded. And I fail to see who allowing homosexual couples to get married can in any way alter the value of my (heterosexual marriage). Does it degrade the love or the committment between my husband and I? Or does it somehow make our wedding vows less valuable?

And about this constitution amendment to make gay marriage illegal... what kind of BS is that? We are going to modify our consitution so we can discriminate? Isn't that against everything America stands for? The freedom of choice? Why does marriage have to be between a man and a woman?

Some say heterosexual marriage is more 'stable'. I think that is entirely overrated in this day and age with divorce rate as high as 50%. From what I have read in the paper, these homosexual couples are marrying their partner for 15, 20 years. Harray for them!! :)

Some gay couple say they do not need a marriage certificate to prove their love. Of course not. The same is true for heterosexual couples. But gay marriage should be an option. A choice. Much like heterosexual couples. A marriage certificate is just a useless piece of paper but one should not overlook that legal rights that it grants you. A civil union is in no way a match for a marriage. Heck, if civil unions will grant couples the same rights as a legal spouse, I won't make such a stinking fuss about whether gay couples can get married "legally".

I eagerly await the outcome of this issue. :)