Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Happy Sunday

Sunday was one of the happiest day in my life. (No, I did not get married on Sunday. Those of you who had read this blog before will know that I am already married. Been married for almost year and a half and still in our honeymoon period. Hopefully that will stay that way for the duration of the marriage. :D) We really didn't do much on Sunday, but hey, I don't ask for much.

Hubby and I drove to Anaheim, but then decided against actually going into Disneyland so we went shopping in Downtown Disney instead -- I need a replacement for my Minnie Mouse antenna ball. (While I am trying to put a link here for Mickey Mouse antenna balls, I accidnetally found a bunch of cute ones. :( It's always when I try to add links to my blog when I get into trouble. I'll put some of the pics up later.)

Hubby also bought me a lot of knick knacks. I'm a true sucker for knick knacks if you haven't noticed yet. Just look at my email address.

Along with the rest of the knick knacks, I bought these two books.

cover cover

Hubby was curious why I bought the Democrat one also, but I think one's got to listen to both sides, right? :D

This one we didn't buy but hubby and I happily browsed it at the store. Check it out.


Oh, and then we went to Alhambra and got me manga and my Chinese food fix. :)) On our way back home we talked about hubby's upcoming job opportunities and the next BIG (5/3/3) house that we are going to get after hubby's discharge from the Navy. It was a happy day. :)