Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Friday, November 12, 2004

Americans Eating Themselves to Death?

Very obese people are as unhealthy, and probably as likely to die, as patients with heart failure, U.S. researchers reported on Sunday.- "Reuters"

Ugh, we need a STUDY to figure that out?

Ever heard the story of the coyotes and the bunnies? It's really simple, on a pasture, when there's an overabundance of bunnies, they get eaten by coyotes (easy to catch when there are lots of them); when the bunnies population decreases, some coyotes will starve to death. And that's how the two populations balance each other on the pasture.

Americans, being the species AND the race that has no natural preditors, are now determined to eat themselves to death. I bet you Darwin never saw this one coming.

Countdown: 13 Days, 310 Hours (extremely inaccurate, but better than nothing)