The Perfect Wife???
I heard on the radio just the other day about this class they are contemplating about offering to girls between the ages of 13-18 called "The Perfect Wife" in Mexico City. First let me say that I was enraged before I found out the location was Mexico City (I thought it's some obscure state on US soil). After the not teaching evolution in Kansas and the whole debate about homosexual marriage, HOW MUCH MORE BACKWARD DO THESE PEOPLE WANT TO GO?
Anyways, it's in Mexico City, not US, so that's a moot point. But I would still like to rant about the idea of a "Perfect Wife" class. Alledgedly it will teach skills in cooking, sewing, child rearing and some budgetting. Oh, and get this, boys are NOT allowed to take this class. Why are they proposing such a class? Because the divorce rate is on the rise! Personally I think the person who was brave (dumb?) enough to propose this said course should be shot. (Extreme? Yes. But I am entitled to my own opinion. According to this person whom I think should be shot I will probably never become "the perfect wife" anyway.)
So, um.. what's the deal here. Are they saying that the divorce rate is on the rise BECAUSE women are not doing their job? You know for the longest time Asian countries always blame the women for not giving birth to male kids. Of course now we all know which gender is to blame for the gender of the children. But my point is this logic is just about as backward.
I mean, what's the big idea? Are the women NOT suppose to work or is she suppose to work, contribute to the household income THEN do all the housework afterward? Then dare I ask WHY do any women want to get married? It's nothing but to bring more stress and choas to their lives for um, forgive me for sounding practical, nothing to gain really.
What a horrible idea to install in kids's (of both gender) mind that household chores are strictly the women's responsibilities? While they are having this class, should residence there in Mexico City also pull the girls from going to school altogether? Cuz, um, God forbid, learning brings intelligence. We don't want our girls to "accidentally" do better than the boys and thereby hurting their pathetic male egos. Also, IF (again, God forbid) girls how to think, they just might have OPINIONS and IDEAS of their own. They might even (GASPS!) contradict the opinions of their husbands thereby not being the PERFECTLY SUBMISSIVE WIVE WITH NO OPINION OF THEIR OWN. And while they are at it, perhaps they should also considering adopting the old Chinese tradition of foot binding. It will help make the girl even more helpless and render them useless without their PERFECT HUSBAND.
Anyways, it's in Mexico City, not US, so that's a moot point. But I would still like to rant about the idea of a "Perfect Wife" class. Alledgedly it will teach skills in cooking, sewing, child rearing and some budgetting. Oh, and get this, boys are NOT allowed to take this class. Why are they proposing such a class? Because the divorce rate is on the rise! Personally I think the person who was brave (dumb?) enough to propose this said course should be shot. (Extreme? Yes. But I am entitled to my own opinion. According to this person whom I think should be shot I will probably never become "the perfect wife" anyway.)
So, um.. what's the deal here. Are they saying that the divorce rate is on the rise BECAUSE women are not doing their job? You know for the longest time Asian countries always blame the women for not giving birth to male kids. Of course now we all know which gender is to blame for the gender of the children. But my point is this logic is just about as backward.
I mean, what's the big idea? Are the women NOT suppose to work or is she suppose to work, contribute to the household income THEN do all the housework afterward? Then dare I ask WHY do any women want to get married? It's nothing but to bring more stress and choas to their lives for um, forgive me for sounding practical, nothing to gain really.
What a horrible idea to install in kids's (of both gender) mind that household chores are strictly the women's responsibilities? While they are having this class, should residence there in Mexico City also pull the girls from going to school altogether? Cuz, um, God forbid, learning brings intelligence. We don't want our girls to "accidentally" do better than the boys and thereby hurting their pathetic male egos. Also, IF (again, God forbid) girls how to think, they just might have OPINIONS and IDEAS of their own. They might even (GASPS!) contradict the opinions of their husbands thereby not being the PERFECTLY SUBMISSIVE WIVE WITH NO OPINION OF THEIR OWN. And while they are at it, perhaps they should also considering adopting the old Chinese tradition of foot binding. It will help make the girl even more helpless and render them useless without their PERFECT HUSBAND.
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