Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Wednesday, June 30, 2004


I be damned. All these time I didn't know that "knickknack" is actually one word. Great, added the underscore in my email address for no reason.

Anyways, since we have a 4 megapixel and a 0.3/1.3 megapixel interpolated digital cameras, I've decided to abuse them.

Hubby bought me this christmas tree ornament on Sunday:

and also floating flipflop candles

Aren't they just adorable? And they are making me a very happy woman. Yeah, it doesn't take much to make me happy. :) Knickknacks, good food, a good movie (WITH NO ONE WHISPERING/TALKING BEHIND ME), and quality time with hubby will generally do the trick.

Yesterday I saw this humongous monkey on someone's patio as I was driving home from work. I then dragged hubby to come with me to take pictures of it. :D I hope the owner of the monkey doesn't mine, but it was facing the street.

I didn't notice there were a spider and a dog also. :D