Movie Spoiler: The Ring
Not part 2, I haven't seen part 2 yet. I've sworn off movie theaters until cell phone usages are banned.
Just this thing I've been thinking about ever since I've watched "The Ring." (Do not read on if you haven't seen the movie yet.) I think the entire problem of the ring can be solved by adding a small bit of instructions in the copies -- make copies, and include at the end to "make a copy." Ta da, problem solved, no more people will die from watching the movie. Copies get made, girl in well is happy. End of story. Wonder why nobody thought of that? :D I'm so smart.
Just this thing I've been thinking about ever since I've watched "The Ring." (Do not read on if you haven't seen the movie yet.) I think the entire problem of the ring can be solved by adding a small bit of instructions in the copies -- make copies, and include at the end to "make a copy." Ta da, problem solved, no more people will die from watching the movie. Copies get made, girl in well is happy. End of story. Wonder why nobody thought of that? :D I'm so smart.
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