Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Thursday, May 27, 2004

From the Movie "Stafford Wives" to Republicans

So we were watching the trailer for "Stafford Wives" last night. I know I have complainted about sometimes watching a trailer (i.e. Spiderman 2) made me feel like I have already watched the entire movie (I have already watched Spiderman 2 TWICE!! And the movie has yet to hit the theaters!), but I honestly have no clue what this movie is about. Only when the woman said, "If you can touch a button and change something about me, would you?" I turned to hubby and said, "I know you would." He answered me with a question, "What would you change about me?" Without hesitation, I said, "To be a Democrat." I think he is quite perfect otherwise. :) Actually, he doesn't even have to be a Democrat, as long as he's not a Republican anymore, I'll be happy. :)