Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

On Emails

I subscribed to the news alert on and This is GREAT, wonder why I had never thought of it before.

Remember how during the OJ trial, a lot of Americans follow it day and night like it's the popular TV series (it probably is) and that a lot had withdrawals when it was finally over and they couldn't find something else to obssess their lives with?

I wonder if my reading one news website after another falls into the same abnormality category.

Speaking of which, my last and favorite POP3 email account has also been compromised. :( I was SO careful with it too. Any sites that even look even remotely suspicious I'll give them my yahoo email instead, but it's still compromised. Everyone knows that once you got onto AN email list, that's pretty much the beginning of the end of that email account. Worse of all, I am not getting JUNK emails, I am getting viruses. The mail server screen them out, but I get the original email, with attachment removed, AND a separate email from the mail server telling me that the attachment has been removed. So now I get TWO emails for each virus sent to me. Oh dear!

My previous POP3 ended up getting some 150 junk emails a day, and on a good day I get maybe two legitimate emails, if it's not filtered out. Finally I was left with no choice but to give up on that account. Now my favorite one too! I am bummed.