Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Thursday, July 08, 2004


Today is a happy day. Like I've said, when I am not grumpy, I'm a cheerful person, at least I hope I am. You see, evidently when you work at San Diego downtown, parking can cost you an arm and a leg -- $150 a month to park in the parking garage underneath the building I work. Yup. And I thought it was bad when I had to pay $60 while working for UCD Medical Center. Luckily I found this open garage couple blocks from my office building that costs only $120 a month. They are so new that there's no electronic gates and stuff, so there's this attendent there every morning that kinda peeks at the permit on top of my dashboard everyday as I drive into the lot, and he'd wave at me everyday. Not to wave me in, but the friendly type of wave. It's very, very nice to start out a day seeing a friendly smile. :) Thank you, parking lot attendent. :D I guess perhaps I should find out his name some day, huh?

I bought a muffin for breakfast today and on the counter were advertisement for cheesecakes. It's a very colorful brochure and I'd love to put it on here, but scanning and taking a picture of it both failed. If I still remember it over the weekend I'll pester hubby to figure out the best way to get it onto my blog to show to you all (all, once again, being all THREE of my readers XD). I've never know there are so many different kind of cheesecakes, just listen to it: chocolate cheesecake, caramel turtle cheesecake, cookies n'creme cheesecake, pumpkin swirl cheesecake.... Oh my, if only I am some 30 lbs lighter than I am right now. :)

Anyways, the pictures of the cheesecakes are beautiful so I subsequently went online hoping that I can find more pretty cheesecake pictures that I can download (believe it or not, the place that gave out the brochure do NOT have a website, or they forgot to print it on the brochure. Gee, it's the informational age, catch up with the technology, will you?). Then I stumbled upon the website of The Cheesecake Factory. Interesingly enough, you can have a one-year subscription with The Cheesecake Factory. Upon joining they'll send you one of their signature cheesecake once a month (or once every two months) for a year. Which, in my opinion, is kind of an interesting concept. And the cost of the cakes? $54.95 for a 10" cake and $37.95 for a 7" cake PER MONTH!! Man, that must be some pretty damn good cheesecakes. :D