Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Respect For the Big Burly Black Man A/K/A J's Stepfather

So this guy at work, J, who allegedly will not be returning to work tomorrow, shared this little piece of information with us on Friday: his stepfather, who is a big burly black man according to him, said once that he is willing to be Bill Gate's bitch if only he'll give him some of his money.

My respond to that: I have a new found respect for your stepfather.

"Why?" J asked.

The reasons are very simple, apparently this said man knows what he wants and is willing to do what he needs (within legal limits**) to get what he wants, albeit the fact that it's only hypothetical. In the light that heterosexual males generally find the idea of two men being together utterly repulsive, a normally masculine man automatically gains bonus points for making such a statement. (Granted, whether he would follow through with it should the opportunity arise is still debatable.) So hurrah to J's stepfather, the man who knows what he wants!! :D

**Except in states where sodomy is still outlawed, but since I don't believe that the government should have a say in what goes on in the bedroom between two consensual adults REGARDLESS of their genders, sodomy is within the legal limits as far as I am concerned.

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