Movie Reviews
Lately my blog has turned into my personal movie review blog. I can't help it when there was nothing else I can blog about owing to unemployment. How ironic it is that when I am NOT working and have all the time in the world to blog, I have nothing to write about. Hahaha.
I realized that my keywords "movie" + "name of movie" had drawn me a lot of traffic. (Advertisement time: Yes, you too and find out search terms leading to your blog by signing up to I sure hope those folks who came here when searching for information on a movie found what they need here instead of feeling like it's a hoax, like those other group of folks wandering here thinking I could teach them how to raise/keep/transplant or kill a banana tree. :D
I realized that my keywords "movie" + "name of movie" had drawn me a lot of traffic. (Advertisement time: Yes, you too and find out search terms leading to your blog by signing up to I sure hope those folks who came here when searching for information on a movie found what they need here instead of feeling like it's a hoax, like those other group of folks wandering here thinking I could teach them how to raise/keep/transplant or kill a banana tree. :D
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