Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Day After Tomorrow

We went and watched "Day After Tomorrow" yesterday. I really enjoyed the movie. It delievers what it promised -- a gripping, catastrophe movie throughout. I give it an A++. Majority of the commentary that I have came across criticize it as "more fantasy than fiction." I failed to see why that is a problem, I think a movie only needs to be entertaining. I wasn't there for a preview of how the world will end. Had the producers really tried to stick with a more realistic approach, I am sure the movie won't be half as entertaining. Of course, had the producers advertise the movie as "this is very likely to happen in the future," then the criticisms are justified. As far as a movie goes, I highly recommend this one.

I can't WAIT till Harry Potter comes out next Friday. I really, REALLY wanted to see it on its premier date. The trailer just looked so appealing. Unfortunately hubby will be underway again, and he doesn't want me going to the movie without him (and what would be the fun not going with him anyway? :), I won't be able to see the movie till the week after. *sniff* *sniff*

I think theaters really should run these signals that jam cell phones. People are just so uninhibited about using their cell phones during the movie. Really, what do they get off on? And it's not emergency calls either. (Yeah, you can hear half of their conversations, just mindless chatting that usually start with, "I am watching a movie." Oh really? So you do realize that those who are around you are trying to watch the movie they paid $9.75 a head for?) I can't imagine it being a pleasant experience talking on the phone inside a theater. At least the little girl next to me wasn't screaming. Why would anyone take a small child to a movie like "Day After Tomorrow" anyway? She seemed bored from the beginning of the movie. I guess its cheaper to buy her a ticket than to pay for babysitting.

I wish there's a way I can watch new movies in the comfort of my own home, kinda like "movie on demand," but with NEW movies. I'll pay the theater price even, per head, just so that I don't have to put up with all these annoying and inconsiderate individuals.