Indecision 2004
Here's an article on undecided voters found on Newsweek by Gersh Kuntzman. I like it a lot because it's funny. Even though the writer said he was not there to try to convince people one way or another, he is certainly anti-Bush, but that's okay. I am just another one of those people on the internet who only read opinions that resemble mine and I certainly like what Mr. Kuntzman have to say. Here's some snippets from his article:
"June 14 - Whether you're a liberal Democrat like me or a conservative Republican (you know, one of those people who annoy me), it's safe to say that you think this coming election presents the nation with a very clear choice: To dump Bush or not to dump Bush...
Now, if you don't yet have an opinion, I'm not here to persuade you to take one side or another. I merely want to argue that there is simply something wrong with you.
I'm not saying that one must have an opinion on every topic under the sun. But while it's okay to be undecided about some things (Should I have the chicken or the salmon? Should I see the summer blockbuster about the guy stuck in the airline terminal or the kids who fight villainous monsters? Should I wear these pants or do they make me look hippy?), this presidential election is not one of those things...
As Republican strategist Frank Luntz recently described the phenomenon: "If you're an undecided in Ohio,they'll come cut your grass and wash your dishes."
But who is this undecided voter? If you ask me, he's a moron, but if you ask a senior Kerry advisor, you'll get a more diplomatic answer...
So let's meet some of these undecided voters--and learn how depressing it is that these people are going to pick our next president."
Read entire article.
Visit Gersh Kuntzman's website.
"June 14 - Whether you're a liberal Democrat like me or a conservative Republican (you know, one of those people who annoy me), it's safe to say that you think this coming election presents the nation with a very clear choice: To dump Bush or not to dump Bush...
Now, if you don't yet have an opinion, I'm not here to persuade you to take one side or another. I merely want to argue that there is simply something wrong with you.
I'm not saying that one must have an opinion on every topic under the sun. But while it's okay to be undecided about some things (Should I have the chicken or the salmon? Should I see the summer blockbuster about the guy stuck in the airline terminal or the kids who fight villainous monsters? Should I wear these pants or do they make me look hippy?), this presidential election is not one of those things...
As Republican strategist Frank Luntz recently described the phenomenon: "If you're an undecided in Ohio,they'll come cut your grass and wash your dishes."
But who is this undecided voter? If you ask me, he's a moron, but if you ask a senior Kerry advisor, you'll get a more diplomatic answer...
So let's meet some of these undecided voters--and learn how depressing it is that these people are going to pick our next president."
Read entire article.
Visit Gersh Kuntzman's website.
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