Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Monday, June 07, 2004

My Monday

"I hate Mondays." -- Garfield.

Today (technically yesterday) was off to a bad start. It's one of those days when you knew the universe was just out to get you. It's one of those days when everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Worse yet, it's not one or two major mess ups, but a series of tiny things that would ultimate drive you to the brim of insanity -- made 50 copies of a document, discovered a *minor* error. Fixed the error, only to realize that the last job was still stored in the copy machine, and the "interrupt" button means anything but interrupting. You can hit the button like it's a gameboy, but rest assured, it will faithfully finished off the original programmed job. I knew that was going to be the tempo of the rest of day during the first hour, and I was right.

Two urgent documents came in at 1640 (4:40 PM), both needed to be done "before the end of the day." Sometimes I think when they say "end of the day," they mean end of the day literally -- midnight. I don't mind overtime at all. That's one good thing about being hourly. Remember my 20-30 hrs shift job I had prior to this one? I am no stranger to overtime. I live for overtime. The only thing that made me antsy was the fact I wanted to be able to go home and record the "New For Love or Money" show before hubby called me to go see him on base.

We finally got a DVR (digital video recorded) through Times Warner. It is a lot less intuitive than TiVo, which I was more familiar with. I only navigated to the screen where they allow you to pick programs once. So I figured the best way is to program it during the day of the show, that way I can just scroll down the grid and get to what I want. (That's women for you. :D)

I am a reality TV junky, espeically when they get ugly. :D Blinky asked, "Why do you want to see people backstabbing each other?" That is the best part of reality TV shows. In my humble opinion, if an individual volunteered to go on national TV and humiliate himself or herself, I am all for watching it.

I mean, if any friend of yours (espeically your current partner) ever invite you onto the Jerry Springer show (they are still on-going, aren't they?), it's a very good time to drop this said person like a hot potato. Nothing good ever came out of Jerry Springer's show. Possible scenarios if you are a woman:

Man: "I have been cheating on you." (optional: With your best friend)


Man: "I am gay and this is my lover."

Possible scarnio if you are a man:

Woman: "You are not the father of my child."

Frankly if I was ever invited onto the show, I'd kick myself for being involved with this individual in the first place.

That said, I shall remain the reality TV junky that I am. :D I am too tired to finish watching the recorded show tonight, but there's always tomorrow. Next week, there's the stunt man reality TV show and "Last Comic Standing." Horray to network television!!