Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

A Funny Blog

I really don't like to use other's blog entries as fillers for my own, but this one is just too funny to pass up. This is from ScreamingSeed:

It's Christmas and I'm walking to the railway station with a group of friends. I glance up at the forecourt roof, which is adorned with a huge inflatable Santa, an equally huge model polar bear and a nearly-as-huge plastic penguin.

"That's just stupid" I remark, "You'd never see a polar bear and a penguin in the same place like that - they're from opposite sides of the globe!".

My girlfriend Lisa turns to me and gives me this really strange look.

"What?" I ask, somewhat bemused.

She laughs at me and says: "So it's okay to have Santa and a penguin, right? - or Santa and a polar bear - just so long as it's not Santa and a polar bear and a penguin - that's just totally unrealistic, right?"

"Oh, I see what you mean...."

Suddenly the activity of staring at my shoes seems too long neglected as a pastime.

So if you like his stuff then go visit his site, that would make me feel better about transplanting his joke onto my site. :) But some of his blog entries are less funny than others. It also seems to jump between different time period of his life -- his girlfriend Lisa as we've seen above, his wife, he was 13-years old, he was in college -- so that kinda lost me there.