The Diva and Her Husband
The Diva (me) had discovered a whole new way to torture her husband. :) Remember how I said my intentional off key singing actually doesn't bother him and that he thinks it's more important that I get the lyrics right than getting the tune right. Well, I was obnoxiously happy on Sunday, so I started singing loudly and off key on purpose again. In addition to that, I was also clapping while I was singing. You know how people clap on beat with the music? Well, it may appeared that's what I was doing at the beginning. But eventually one would notice that my clapping really has nothing to do with either the original song or my off key version. I was simply clapping randomly while I was singing. After merely a few lines, even my wonderful, good-natured, loving, tolerant hubby has to say, "Now THAT was just obnoxious!"
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