Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Highway of Life

Frank and Ernst has got to be one of my favorite comic strips. I also enjoy Dilbert, Cathy, Foxtrot, and occasionally Baby Blues. This is one of my favorite Frank and Ernest strip:

It's sometimes how I feel when I think about my life with my husband after he quits (discharge from) the Navy. Sure, he'll no doubt be able to find himself a fairly decent job, but it will no longer be what we Chinese called a "golden rice bowl" (meaning: guaranteed job security). From now on he'll be entering the civilian world, and subject to recessions and layoffs and all the other goodies. Granted, it's his employment, not mine, but once you are married, our lives are no longer separable.

Thank you Bob Thaves for the extremely searchable database on the website so I was able to nab my favorite strip off of the site. :) Much appreciated.

Day 7, 1167 hours.