Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Tuesday, October 5th (for lack of a better title)

I've been itching to write lately but you know what the ironic thing is (other than life itself)? Now that I have all the time to write I have nothing to write about. :D My life consist of unpacking and cleaning and some job hunting. How sad. Just when I was getting back into the whole blogging thing.

I attended the Sacramento Atheist meetup today (technically speaking, yesterday). The experience was alright. Nobody made me feel overly unwelcomed, but nobody made me feel particularly welcomed either. Evidently a few guys among the group think that we should take the word "atheist" out of the group name to be "less confrontational." I mean, HUH? Does a knitting club take the word "knitting" out of its name? Or a book-reading club taking the words "book-reading" out of it? I thought the purpose of these meetup groups was so that like-minded individuals can meet each other. Merely living in the same general area is not exactly the same as "like-minded" is it? Doesn't that just defeat the initial purpose of this group? The last thing I want is to get into an argument with some fundamentalist over our "religious" believes during one of these what was once known as "atheist" meetup.

As for being "confrontational," I have a few comments on that. First of all, it's our name, if anyone is offended by the name, that's just too bad. After all, we are not going door to door preaching to people the value of being an athesit, are we? Do knitting club or a book-reaidng club change their names for fear of offending the sewing club or movie critique club? This is whole point was simply bizarre. I had, of course, voiced my opinion on that subject. I think that made me not so popular among some of those attended today. ^_^ Perhaps I should learn to be less opinionated, NOT!

I think I'll attend the next meeting too and see if more show up and if the conversation gets any better. If it's pretty much same as today, "Sacramento Child Free Meetup Group," here I come.

Day 6, 1199 hours