Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Saturday, February 12, 2005

How the Cat Got Spoiled

I read on this article that cats are not naturally vocal. It's when they cohabit with humans they learned that their owners respond much better to sound that they adapt the ability to "talk."

Over the course of ten years, my cat has learned that "mew mew" will get the door opened and closed for her. "Mew mew" will get her new, fresh food to replace those that has been sitting out for TWO hours. "Mew mew" will also get her fresh water. Today my cat learned a new trick, "mew mew" will also get my husband to open the blinds for her (or shall I say the husband learned a new trick today?) so she can bask in the sun.

I thought cats are nocturnal. What do they even care about basking in the sun??