Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Strength and Weaknesses

So I've been doing practically nothing but browsing/screening want ads and sending out resumes and cover letters lately. For the very first time in my life, I actually take into consideration to look for a job with growing potential. I don't want just another dead end job to tie me over the next few months. Let me tell you something about a mid-age career change -- it's awful. Everything (even entry level jobs) want "1-2 years experience." Oh, for the love of God, I can do filing and data entry and create letter and schedule appointment WITH or WITHOUT 1-2 years experience.

"Light Math" -- Well, I studied calculus 10 years ago and it's a bit rusty, but I'm sure I can brush it up quickly, how does that sound to you.

"Knowledge of IE preferred" -- O - MY - GOD! Preferred? Any job that remotely comes CLOSE to the computer should REQUIRED IE knowledge. After all, how hard is it to use IE???

"Complex travel and meeting calender"? -- Oh, c'mon. How complex could that be? Can you do it this date at this time? No? Okay, how about this date at this time? Like someone had once said, "There's no such thing as a stupid question; just stupid people."

Here, let me just lay it out for you.

My strength, my real strength -- I can boil anything and everything down to the "gist of it," assuming that I have a grasp of the subject matter. So we can effectively rule out nuclear physics right about now.


"Briefly state your interest in this job."

Money!! Hello!! What do you think? Not exactly the most meaningful job we are talking about here. You try posting the ad soliciting services for free, see how many responses you get.

Last but not the least:

"Why should we hire you." (They usually don't put it in exactly those words, see my strength above.)

Because I can do this damned job better than your everyday morons out there, and that probably include half of your employees that have already been at your company for five years and still clueless and I need the money. So there! Just hire me, okay?

My weaknesses:

There isn't any. I'm perfect. If there are any weaknesses that I am awared of, AND can be fixed, it'd already have been fixed so it's a non-issue. Duh! How many more times do we have to go through the obvious?