Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Sunday, March 27, 2005


On a different note from my previous blog, why bother to be a nice person if I don't have a religious believe, you might ask. (Let's not even delve into whether all religious folks are necessarily "nice" people.) There are a few reasons: (1) education and upbringing. I don't need to have a fear for punishment in order to be nice. (2) I am still able to tell right from wrong. And I also believe in karma is a smaller scale. Many a times in my life, I've had people that offered me a helping hand when I most needed and less expected. And those incidents had very profound effects on my life. I do not have a way to repay these people in my life, so I figured that if I am nice and try to help others when they need it most, hopefully they'd do same later on when they were on the other end of the table, and so on and so forth. Yes, in a corny way, it is very similar to the movie "Bring it Forward." Except I wasn't the person who started it. I try to help others because I have already received assistance. I am not afraid to admit that I'm not the first person in this chain; (3) and a more selfish approach at things, since we don't really know (some would argue that) what it's like after death, it doesn't hurt to be nice and have all basis covered. :D