Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Monday, September 20, 2004

"Interesting" is Quickly Turning into "Weird"

Went back to Blockbuster with hubby yesterday. This time I saw a guy who looked like the guy sitting in the car the previous day, except this time he was standing outside. I wasn't 100% sure if he was *the* guy since we didn't have any movies in our hands so he didn't ask whether we have "Man on Fire." I thought it'd be interesting to look for the movie since hubby and I had a free coupon from the other day.

In front of the shelf there stood a guy. He was systematically flipping down every single covers of "Man on Fire," first the DVDs then the VHS. Said gentleman then went up to the counter (in defense for Blockbuster, they do have some VERY friendly and helpful employees at this location) and told them he had flipped ALL the covers they have and made sure there's no chance he would have missed a copy. He proceeded to desperately asked for a VHS copy at least. But what could the Blockbuster girl do other than offering him a coupon for a free rental? Guy disgruntlely agreed to that terms but said, "I had to make a phone call first." Then walked away to make his call (to his wife? lover?)

See for yourself!!

Gee! What's with this MOVIE?? Almost reminds me of one of those mindless comedy shows. One would almost think somebody left than jackpot winning lottery ticket in one of the copies!!

I asked hubby to get another free rental coupon just for kicks but he didn't want to. Boo! I wanted to go back to Blockbuster again to see if I can witness yet another sequal to this blog entry but the party-pooping hubby has once again rejected my suggestion. Boohoo!!

Ah well. On a different note. There's a copy at Long's Drugs rental section today. :D