Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Funny Things my Ex-Roommate's Mother Used To Do To Him

My ex-roommate had a few gripes about things that his mother used to ask him to do; some of them are funnier than others.

(1) Grocery shopping:

She'd ask him to stand in line first when she went and "grabbed just one more item." Of course she'd also never made it back in time. Poor kid will stand there, items all rung up, cashier looking at him, others in line looking at him. He has no cash on him and mom was nowhere to be seen.

(2) Parking lot:

She'd see a spot, but couldn't manuver over there right away, so she'd ask him to go and stand in the spot to hold the spot while she manuver her way over that. This one always make me laugh.

Hubby, on the other hand, have the tendency to get himself into situations like that. Grocery shopping with hubby is a pointed mission: stop ONLY at points that we KNOW we need something from. Oh, and hurry! Immediately before the last item, he'd say, "I'm going to stand in line, why don't you go grab it." Have you ever try to find an item in a grocery shop that you were there for the FIRST time? With the stop watch running? It's literally like running a 500 meter hurdle! So boy did that to me again today.

"What else do we need?"

"Green bell pepper."

"Is that all?"


"I'll stand in line then."

Rolled eyes, "Okay." Do as you wish, like I could stop you.

After the green bell pepper, just like any other good woman, I thought of something else that I'd like to get -- lotus, which the store carry only intermittenly. While I was taking my time (hehehe) looking for lotus, I heard whistle from behind me -- hubby's signal for "I'm over here." Apparently he had already unloaded every thing we had (which was hardly anything) onto the conveyor bell and it was his turn already when he realized I was nowhere to be seen. LOL. Needless to say he had to put everything back into the basket then came looking for me. Ahahahahaha. Suits him fine. "I'll stand in line while you go grab the last item"! :D