Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Artist -- Mark Yale Harris

Mark Yale Harris is my latest obssession. (Do keep in mind that I'm also the out of sight out of mind type of people. :D)

So I went back to Borders again today with hubby cause after buying Dark Tower VII in hardcover he also wanted it in audio format. Ut oh, you may say, but I didn't leave the store with some toy in my hands this time -- a rare occurence. Instead, I took my time and browsed the magazine section (only got through half of the section before hubby dragged me away :(. I gues it never quite registered with me that there are so many magazines out there that I have never heard of, or imagined they exist for that matter. I walked out with "American Style," "The Economist," and "Boulevard" -- apparently a magazine with collections of short stories, poems, and even film symposium even though it really looks like a book.

While taking my liberty to browse the vast collection of magazines that Borders have, I discovered this artist and sculptor Mark Yale Harris. I borrowed some pictures from his website:



Bear tango


And my personal favorite:

Got it

Holy Cow!! This whole time I didn't know I can justify the text!!! Duh!