Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Pretty Woman. Happy Woman.

I am far from being the prettiest woman on earth, however, last Friday hubby made me arguably one of the happiest women on earth. :)) How? He bought me the prettiest flowers I have ever received. Here's a picture of them:

So here's the story. Hubby and I (mostly I) had decided that we should dine out every Friday night. So we've (again, mostly I) decided to go to Applebee's Restaurant. As soon as we walked in we saw this guy, Chris, making balloon flowers for this little girl, and I was hooked. He then proceeded from table to table making flowers and swords and hats and even alligators for all the kids and I was just pining for one.

I gave hubby puppy eyes but he insisted that it was for kids only. :( Whyyyyy? I'm still a kid at heart!! Finally he ran out of kids to sell balloons to so he started looking for older patrons and hubby finally slyly gestured him over to make me my flowers. ^_^

Hubby said all the women in the restaurant were looking at me and my flowers as we exited, but I didn't notice. :( But I did see this girl and her boyfriend walking toward the restaurant and she let out a cry of excitement when she saw my flowers and never once took her eyes off of them. :D I was sure her boyfriend was thinking, "Oh, no," at the time. :D

Let me tell you, the flowers and hubby and even Chris made me a very happy woman that day. :D (I shall attached balloon flower maker's URL on here later on; I am too lazy to get up and look for the name card right now. :D Check back in you are interested. They also do events. ^_^)

The beauty about these balloon flowers? Just like real flowers, they don't last. :) Anything fleeting is more beautiful than anything that's permanent. :)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Game Score. Day 14

I haven't blogged (record) about my Africa Wildlife Game score in a few days. Many of you might have think that I have already given up on my Moby Dick (really, BM, how did the story end? :D), but I haven't. Do I really strike you as a quitter? (Actually, I am.) It's just been a constant struggle between keeping a chitty job and tending to my animals after the chitty job. How chitty is the job? Ugh. Don't even get me started. I've read that quite a few people have been let go because of blogging about their job, so I think I'll stay away from that subject at least till I get something better. :D Back to my scores:

Goal: 12,676,297

As of end of Tuesday: 213,545

Daily total: 6,965

Percentage: 1.68%

6,965. That is just pathetic. T.T Maybe I can talk hubby into letting me becoming a stay at home housewife again so I can tend to my cyber animals. :D

Monday, May 02, 2005

Laundry Day

Playing Africa Wildlife Rescue for 12 days straight can get kind of tiring, so being the good housewife that I am, I've decided to do some laundry today. I accidentally put Kitty into the washing machine along with the dirty laundry. Oops!

After her nice bath I thought I might as well dry her with the laundry also. Wouldn't want my baby catching the cold now, would I? While BM might arguably be a good doctor, I am not sure how good he is when it comes to my feline baby:

See what a clean and happy kitty she was after she was bathed and dried? :)

Sunday, May 01, 2005

May Movies Overview

Entirely based on my own movie preference:

May 3, 2005 -- National Treasure, starring Nicolas Cage

May 10, 2005 -- In Good Company, starring Paul Weitz, aka guy in 70's Show

May 17, 2005 -- White Noise, starring Michael Keaton

Team America

May 24, 2005 -- Are We There Yet,

The Aviator,


I know, I know, but I'm a horror/monster flick junkie, remember? :D

May 31, 2005 -- Boogeyman

More Lemony Snicket!!

Still haven't got your Lemony Snicket fix? No worries. Check out some MORE Lemony Snicket peripheral products:

Video game fans?

Can you do without the strategy guide once you own the video game?

Or are you the traditional card game type of folk? Check out the Lemony Snicket's A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS The Catastrophic Card Game:

Last but not the least, how about the Lemony Snicket Unauthorized Biography? :D

Lemmony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

Click on the image of the book to purchase it from for the low, low price of $9.49 each:

Want them in box set instead for $23.75 each?

Why not just collect them all? Get all 11 books for the low, low price of $83.09. Super value! (I'm getting so good at this advertisement thing :D)

Movie: Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, the DVD, was very difficult to get a hold of, at least for me. I've been trying to hit Blockbuster since Tuesday when it was released. But I had to stay late to work overtime, and same thing Wed, Thurs, and Fri. (On a good note, I got a decent pay check coming with all the overtime. :))

So by the time Friday rolled around, and I was able to get off work at 7:30 instead of the usual 9:30, I was determined it's Lemony Snicket tonight or bust. Clinging onto whatever false hope that I had that Blockbuster would actually have a copy of LS on a Friday night at 8:00 PM, I went there straight from work. It was, of course, all gone. They didn't even stock full two shelves of them like they did with some other movies. So I've decided to try my luck at Target, who sometimes have deals on new DVD for $15.99 instead of the $19.99 - $21.99 like most places. I drug Hubby with me to the Target within walking distance only to find out that all copies of LS have been completely SOLD OUT!! No kidding!! In a Target!! On a FRIDAY night!! (On hindsight, I should have taken a picture of their empty shelf/section, that was certainly a Kodak moment.) You should see the look on the store clerk's face when Hubby asked for "Lemon stickers." :D

Like I've said, it's Lemony Snicket or bust, so we proceeded onto the second closest Target store (after 2 years and 3 months of marriage, Hubby knew better than to argue with me when I am fixated on acquiring a certain item on a certain day). Guess what? The WIDE SCREEN version was sold out at this Target ALSO!!! :O The only options were Full Screen (who watches full screen?) or Full Screen with book (Hah! A book! What a concept!). So we headed back to the Blockbuster, where I started my LS hunt, and bought a new copy from them at the low, low price of $19.99.

Dispised what Hubby said the review said, I enjoyed the movie. It was very entertaining. A bit fast paced, but I guess better than waiting for a sequel to find out the answer to the mystery. (Yes, I suppose reading the actual books would be an option too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Reading! Imagine that!) So if you are thinking about acquiring this movie, AND you are not in dire need of possessing it like I did, please click on one of the following links and purchase it from I have yet to make a sale since I've signed up to their Associate program. :~( Have pity on this girl.

Get the wide screen version for the low, low price of $16.49:

Or the 2-DISC SPECIAL COLLECTOR'S EDITION for the low, low price of $21.44 (strongly recommended, I only didn't get this one because I didn't see them at the stores that I went to :(:

Or, if you absolutely MUST, the full screen version, also for the low, low price of $16.49:

I'll put links up for the books later. :D


BM: Look, I actually took a break from my game (to allow the animals time to heal) to do something else constructive and meaningful -- blogging. No worries on my mental health anymore. ^_^

Saturday, Day 11

Goal: 12,676,297

Total: 160,015

Daily total: 8,719

Now you might think I've been slacking basing on the awfully low daily total. That was so far from the truth. Sure, I watched two movies today (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Lemony Snicket' A Series of Unfortunate Events), but I still tried to spend lots of time to tend to my animals! The stupid game glitched on me and the animals simply refused to heal till this morning! Imagine my anguish and frustration! T.T At that rate, it'll take me a calculated of 4 (FOUR) years to reach my goal. T.T