Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Monday, May 31, 2004

Military Time

I LOVE using military time. Many think I picked that up from hubby -- WRONG. I've always liked it. It is just so concise. Especially when you work in a field that works around the clock (i.e. the medical field that I was in for the last two and a half years). Hubby, on the other hand, is a strong believer in the AM/PM system. Personally I think he shames the military. XD He was telling me about his shift one time, and the conversation went something like this:

Him: "I will be working from 11 to 7."
Me: "Is that AM or PM?"
Him: "PM."
Me: "11 PM to 7 AM or 11 AM to 7 PM?"
Him (in resignation): "Okay, it's 2300 to 0700."
Me: "OOoohhhh, okay."

Grrrrrrrr. Why couldn't he just say that from the very beginning?! It's not like I can't tell 2300 from 1100!!

In addition, I also set all the clocks at home to 24-hours, at least the ones that are capable of doing so, just for the sake of it. :)

From Rag Rug to Happiness

I forgot to mention that we have also bought a rag rug from Ikea. See picture below:

We got a green one which goes very well with our green place mats. We placed it in between the coffee table, which serves as our dinner table during our stay in San Diego, and the futon which we use as our couch. I like the look of the rag rug in our living room. It looks hip and makes me feel very much like a yuppie. Yeah, it only takes a $3.99 rug to make me feel rich. :) For crying out loud, it even has the word "rag" in its name. But that shouldn't stop me from being a happy person. :) After all, isn't happiness all a matter of one's mentality? To quote Garfield (referring to Odie), "Simple mind, simple pleasure."

We also looked at big houses (5 bedroom + 3 car garage) in the greater Sacramento area (yeah, pretty soon I won't be able to list my blog on anymore. Boo!). That too made me very happy. Hubby said it's an Asian thing. All the Asian wives want big houses for no obvious reasons. :D Big house with a custom build swimming pool and my life will be complete. :)

Hubby is going underway again tomorrow. :( I feel bummed. I do not like being alone. But I think I should feel lucky that he doesn't have to go to Iraq. He counts his days left in the Navy using a dog tag chain (he clips it from time to time to mark his number of days left in the Navy), perhaps I should count the hours left before he returns from each underway...

Sunday, May 30, 2004


Got dragged to watch "Troy" with hubby. His reasoning: I dragged him to chick flicks all the time -- guilty as charged. After the first thirty minutes, even he wanted to go. I fell asleep some three times, the third time I was sound asleep, but hubby woke me up (not knowing that I was trying to catch up with my beauty sleep) and I was unable to go back to sleep (not happy about that). Overall I guess the movie wasn't too terrible, if you are a Brad Pitt fan or enjoy watching men getting killed with swords. Other than that, I really don't know what the entertainment value was about the movie. It really was just about a bunch of stupid people making a series of stupid mistakes -- Helen going to Troy being the stupidest of them all. Others include Hector going one on one with Archilles, ugh, I think personal pride needs to be put aside when your entire empire was at stake. (Hubby said woman [me] has no honor, I say at least I have my priorities straight :D) And the introduction of the trojan horse into Troy, let's not even go there.

The good news was nobody around us used their cell phones today. I only heard one rang once (the girl immediately next to me) but at least she didn't try to pick it up. I heard a few chucklings throughout the movie and I have no idea what's so funny. And the couple behind us whispered througout the movie. I wish they had talked loud enough so we can all share their wisdoms.

Moral of the story: women are trouble. :D (Like I couldn't have told you that before the movie start!!)

Ikea Frenzy

Today I dragged hubby to Ikea and bought this lamp:

I stuck it on hubby's night table and it gives a nice, warm, yellowish glow that makes me very happy. :)

I loooove Ikea's products, and they have some funny commercials too! :) Funny thing: hubby refused to go to Ikea with me when we first moved into our new house for some obsolete reasons like "we can't afford their stuff." We went to our first Ikea in HONG KONG. Yes, that's right, Hong Kong. He wanted to lug everything back from Hong Kong. That's man for you alright. :D Now that we are in San Diego, we can go shop there as often as we want. :)

Two more lamps that on our shopping list when we move back to Sacramento:

I've been drooling over the hanging one for MONTHS now, but hubby said he couldn't figure out how to hang it up without drilling a hole in upstair's floor... so we'll have to wait on that one. (Have I ever mentioned that once hubby broke out his dremmel tools only to drill holes in an egg? If I don't know better I'd think he was a drunk college student :D But that's a different story for another time. :)

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Day After Tomorrow

We went and watched "Day After Tomorrow" yesterday. I really enjoyed the movie. It delievers what it promised -- a gripping, catastrophe movie throughout. I give it an A++. Majority of the commentary that I have came across criticize it as "more fantasy than fiction." I failed to see why that is a problem, I think a movie only needs to be entertaining. I wasn't there for a preview of how the world will end. Had the producers really tried to stick with a more realistic approach, I am sure the movie won't be half as entertaining. Of course, had the producers advertise the movie as "this is very likely to happen in the future," then the criticisms are justified. As far as a movie goes, I highly recommend this one.

I can't WAIT till Harry Potter comes out next Friday. I really, REALLY wanted to see it on its premier date. The trailer just looked so appealing. Unfortunately hubby will be underway again, and he doesn't want me going to the movie without him (and what would be the fun not going with him anyway? :), I won't be able to see the movie till the week after. *sniff* *sniff*

I think theaters really should run these signals that jam cell phones. People are just so uninhibited about using their cell phones during the movie. Really, what do they get off on? And it's not emergency calls either. (Yeah, you can hear half of their conversations, just mindless chatting that usually start with, "I am watching a movie." Oh really? So you do realize that those who are around you are trying to watch the movie they paid $9.75 a head for?) I can't imagine it being a pleasant experience talking on the phone inside a theater. At least the little girl next to me wasn't screaming. Why would anyone take a small child to a movie like "Day After Tomorrow" anyway? She seemed bored from the beginning of the movie. I guess its cheaper to buy her a ticket than to pay for babysitting.

I wish there's a way I can watch new movies in the comfort of my own home, kinda like "movie on demand," but with NEW movies. I'll pay the theater price even, per head, just so that I don't have to put up with all these annoying and inconsiderate individuals.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Blog Toys

Since I wasn't in much of a writing mood lately, I devoted most of my energy into bringing you new blog toys. (Okay, I really only just doing it for my very own pleasure. :) Pretty soon I'll expect to see more toys on my blog page than actual content. But why does that matter? With my whopping 3 readers, I might as well just make the site cute and pretty for the rest of the drive-bys. :D If nothing else, they'll have a good first (and only) impression of my blog. :D

Introducing Blog Snob, a site where you sign up and have your site listed and while a random blog from the list is showing up on your site, yours will show up on others. :D Pretty cool idea huh? But they want PG-13 blogs only. I am not sure if my blog is exactly PG-13. We'll soon find out, I think. :)

I've also discovered Referrer listing, yes, it lists the referrers to your page. I put it on the very bottom of my blog. Take a look. :)

And after the Catholics, came the Christians...

In an article titled "California lawmakers protest pastor" found on it quoted what Christian Rev. Ralph Drollinger wrote during a Bible lesson in April,

"It is one thing for a mother to work out of her home while her children are in school," wrote Drollinger. "It is quite another matter to have children in the home and live away in Sacramento for four days a week. Whereas the former could be in keeping with the spirit of Proverbs 31, the latter is sinful."

Oh, so sorry we women are not staying home, barefoot and pregnant. I have only one word: BACKWARD. If the Catholics and the Christians can have their ways, we'll never move forward a day past the fifties.

Hmmm, there are Bible study class for lawmakers? Held at the governor's suite of offices? Whatever happened to the separation of Church and State? I sure hope that's not costing our tax money.

The best highlight of the article is when "Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger told Drollinger to move when Drollinger referred to Roman Catholicism as a false religion. Schwarzenegger and his wife are Catholic." Hurray to the Governor!

(Psssst, Mike. Would you agree that the Reverand and Bishop Sheridon (from my Catholic post) were both putting their feet in their mouths? Are Reverand and Bishop not men? XD)

Interesting Tid-bits

Talking toilet orders men to sit down

According to the article, more than 1.6 million devices had been sold. Noticed that the toilet only talks when the seat is being lifted. What is to stop the man from leaving the seat down and still doing his business standing up? :D

Thursday, May 27, 2004

From the Movie "Stafford Wives" to Republicans

So we were watching the trailer for "Stafford Wives" last night. I know I have complainted about sometimes watching a trailer (i.e. Spiderman 2) made me feel like I have already watched the entire movie (I have already watched Spiderman 2 TWICE!! And the movie has yet to hit the theaters!), but I honestly have no clue what this movie is about. Only when the woman said, "If you can touch a button and change something about me, would you?" I turned to hubby and said, "I know you would." He answered me with a question, "What would you change about me?" Without hesitation, I said, "To be a Democrat." I think he is quite perfect otherwise. :) Actually, he doesn't even have to be a Democrat, as long as he's not a Republican anymore, I'll be happy. :)

De javu

Long time ago I read this story in the Issac Asimov Science Fiction Magazine about the world just started to change on this guy, and it was a very slow process. It started one more when he woke up and went to work and started noticing these small changes--the wall is a different shade of color, some minor features of the car were different (I can't remember exactly what was different.) And everyday from that day on he'd wake up to some small changes. Gradually the world changed into something that he was totally unfamilar with. (One of the bits I do remember was that one day he want to work and everybody has a lizard on their shoulder, and was questioning him what happened to his. If anyone know which story it is, please, please, please do let me know.) What was the deep meaning of the story I do not know. I am not very good at subtety. If I have to make an educated guess, that the world changes slowly everyday to something that we don't recognize anymore? :D

Today felt like one of those days for me. I was to go in to work at noon. Well, for a temporary, hourly person, the "extra time" off is not necessarily a good thing. Anyways, I couldn't really go to bed late because I was already pretty tired by 10, and I therefore could not sleep past 7:30 AM. I was watching Jay Leno show from last night at 8:30 AM. (I got into Jay Leno show, maybe the trend will stay, maybe not.) Moped around most morning because my schedule was "off" and I have no idea what to do with the extra time. Drove to work and seeing a different crowd than normal on the street. Got to work and my coworker had "cleaned up" the shared hard drive so everything looked a little bit "off." I am having a de javu moment with the guy in that story. :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Found Magazine

I followed a link to the Found Magazine home page, apparently it's site where people submit notes, photographs, and whatever other stuff they can find. I browsed through a few pics and was entirely stunted that there are folks out there who would enjoy this kind of stuff. The pics aren't even all that spectacular. I've seen this other site shortly after I started my habit of randomly reading blogs where this guy was posting pages of this diary that he found in the middle of the street. (It was an old, old diary.) Now at least I can see why that would be somewhat interesting. But just random pictures? Apparently it's somewhat of a big things, considering that they have a 7", a book published (available at, and an up-coming tour. Utterly amazing. I guess it does take all kind.

Clear & Present Danger

I went to get a decal for my little car yesterday so I can go see hubby on base without too much of a hassle. The lady in the office asked me "what his command." The best I could make out of the question was, "Who's his commanding officer." And I was thinking, "Damned if I know who that is." Evidently I am not yet fluent with my military lingo and the lady is not very familiar with working with us civilians. And the two juniors also in the office laughing at me trying to guess the answer didn't help. But we finally figured out what she needed to know was the location (boat) that he works. *rolls eyes*

Drove to the base to have dinner with hubby. On my way back was when I heard the news about "creditable source" about terroristic attacks in the next few months. That had put me in dismay really fast. It was interesting how, merely a week ago, I was going to write in here how I worry more about being killed by a drunk driver than in some terroristic attacks. Well, I stand corrected. I guess there is a difference between living at a place that would most likely not be a potential target than in a metropolis (we moved to San Diego in February). Selfish as it may sound, I guess I do feel better that none of the events that are more likely targets than others are going to be anywhere closeby...

Now the phrase "clear and present danger" really means more than Harrison Ford's movie.

Monday, May 24, 2004

My Weekend

I don't really have anything important to say but I feel like exercising my fingers, so I am going to write about my weekend. :D

- hubby returned home from 8-days underway; happy happy joy joy

- went and watched Shek2 in the theater, very very cute. Do take you female partners, or your male partners who appreciate cute-sy movies to see it :)

- watched Nicholas Cage's Matchstick Men on DVD, pretty decent movie

- also watched Red Water, not bad for a monster flick, at least it's not one of those monster flicks that uses porn stars who can barely recite their scripts on screen, with cheesy dialogues and nudity/girl-girl make out scenes littered throughout the movie for no obvious reasons

- attempted in buying a TV for the bedroom, got TWO bad TV's in a row, from TWO DIFFERENT places, what's the odds of that? (apparently pretty good!) Hubby was not a happy camper. When we finally got one that works, turned out the cable outlet in the bedroom does not work... and the watch-TV-bedroom saga continues...

- got into a stupid discussion with Republican hubby, which I am not going to go into details here. If I am more talented, I'd starting drawing satire, political comics about Democratic wife & her Republican husband and I could well be on my way to my $3.5 million dream house. :D But do political cartoonists make that much money? Let's see, up until yesterday, I can't name one political comic strip off the top of my head (the Sunday Doonsbury strip made quite a fuss today), and you can't make cutsie stuff animals from your characters like Garfield, Odie, or even Dilbert, Dogbert, Ratbert. Mousepad, coffeemug, tee-shirt, anatenna balls are pretty much out of the question. I guess I didn't miss much for not being able to draw. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2004

New Favorite. :)

See how fickle woman can be? :)

Pool built by: Anthony Sylvan Pools

An Arm and a Leg

Will you give an arm and a leg for this?

And hubby won't let me buy lottery religiously in the hope that one day we have have this pool AND a 3.5 million dollar house. :D

Credits: Pool & Spa Living

My Dream Pool

So my friend Mike recently got a new deck put in. I am green with envy. As a retaliation, I really should send this picture to his wife. :D Wouldn't you just LOVE to have that in your yard, Mike? :)

Credits: Pool & Spa Living

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Blog of Note 2

I saw this link on a guy's site the other day, and he was ranting and raving something about blogger censoring him. I wasn't sure what it was all about since I had no problem seeing his blog AND the link. Ah well.

I can't say I am thrilled about the word choice of the URL, but some of the stuff might be of interest to some of you, so here goes:

John Kerry is a Douche Bag but I am Voting for Him Anyway

Blog of Note

Figuring that the chance of my blog become one of the "blogs of note" on the blogger main page is rather slim, I'll create my own. :) I bummed into this lady's site one day, I kinda like her view point regarding the abuse of prisoner issue, here's an exerpt:

War is hell.

You've heard that saying before, right? Everyone has, right? It's clear what it means, right? So why is everyone acting as if every death, every injury, every bit of bad behavior from emotionally-wrecked military types, and every bit of destruction were some shocking, unexpected thing that needs to be screamed and wept over endlessly?

The entire PURPOSE of war is for people to do their best to hurt and kill others, and destroy their stuff... that's what a war IS. So why is it that we treat every report of perfectly normal and expected goings-on as if it were happening in a quiet suburban neighborhood instead of in a WAR ZONE?

In every war that has ever been, people on BOTH sides have treated prisoners in ways that don't look good when looked at by polite society; when tensions run high, every minute of every day, day after day, week after week, and finally month after month, it messes with people's heads, and if they get power over some of the enemy, who they've been trained to see as evil, who they've been trained to see as less than human, who they've been trained to KILL, who they've been trained to understand are out to kill THEM, who HAVE killed people they knew, what exactly do you EXPECT them to do? Throw tea parties for them? Of course not; they're going to abuse them in some way, at least some of the time. We need to stop being naive and accept that that's the way things are in wartime. No, that doesn't make it right, that doesn't make it ok, that doesn't mean we shouldn't take steps to prevent it and to punish those responsible, but it DOES mean that we have to take these actions IN CONTEXT, and not act as if we have no idea WHY these things happened.

To read the entire entry, go to Every Topic in the Universe(s?).

Fear Factor

So I'm a reality TV show junkie. Okay, maybe not that much of a junkie, after all, I don't want every single reality TV show out there. But Fear Factor I watch religiously. :) Okay, I admit, not the classiest TV show known to mankind, but its good, clean fun!! (Although almost all contestants are hot chicks with big boobs or hunky males. Did you know that you have to send them a video with pan out shot in your contestant application? And they definitely make the girls change into swimsuit in front of camera on purpose. If you are not interested in fear factors, you must be interested into hot girls. I think that's the reason why hubby sits throught most of them with me. :) It's my favorite TV show when I used to work at the tissue bank? Why? Very entertaining after a 16+ hours shift and my brain was fried and just want to watch something mindless before I pass out. I especially love to watch it in fastfoward mode with TiVo. (And TiVo, yet another GREAT invention in the history of mankind. Even Mike, who took TWO years to upgrade to broadband albeit the fact that his job required him to research on the internet on a daily basis, has TiVo. Now THAT is successful marketing. Hurray to the TiVo guys! )

For those of you who are oversea and have no idea what this show is about, it's a reality TV show in which contestants have to perform three stunts. The winner per show will receive a cash bonus of US$50,000. The second of the three stunts usually involves something nasty--eating insects live, buried in tank with insects, transporting them in your mouth etc. For more information, go to their official website

I think sometimes the Fear Factors team shops at Chinese grocery place. I've seen contestants required to consume some of what we consider as delicacy in our wonderful Asian culture, items such as thousand-year-old eggs* and sea cucumber**. I wouldn't mind being paid $50,000 to eat thousand-year-old eggs and sea cucumber. :) I am just not sure if the sea cucubmers are cooked. But they have to be, else you risk gettig hepatitis A type from uncooked seafood. :) And I watched those contestants crying and gagging and retching eating sea cucumbers. How odd is that? Just talking about it makes me salivate. :) :)

But food was not what this blog was about. ("Really? You have a point?" you might ask.) I wanted to talk about last Monday's family episode of Fear Factor. (Oh yeah, they like to do these special episodes also -- all girls, Miss USA pageants, couples, siblings, and families.) So last episode there were four teams, and FF is also very good at mixing and matching, so naturally the four teams were: mother/son combo, father/daughter combo, father/son combo, and mother/daughter combo. (Click here to see the players.) The father/dtr team, unfortunately, had to go first. For the first stunt, one at a time, both of them have to transverse this beam held some fifty feet or so above water and collect these flags. The flags for both the adult and the child were set at different heights, there were five flags each. The team with the least amount of flags will be eliminated; in the case of a tie, the team that took more time will be elimited. So, the dad in the father/dtr team went first. It was very windy, he got the first three flags and passed on the last two t to avoid the fate of falling into the water below. Knowing that she'll have to get all the flags to stand a chance, little girl took half an hour, I repeat, half an hour to get each of the five flags. She stook below each flag and waited for the wind to subside so she could reach for the flags. Unfortunately, it took her so long to complete the stunt that the wind subsided altogether and all the remaining three teams had it easy so they were eliminated on the first round. Joe Rogan, the host of the show, repeatedly expressed his admiration for the little girl, saying she was the best contestants ever and that they never expected anyone would took thirty minutes to complete a stunt. Had he could have his way, I think he'd personally announce the little girl the winner for that episode. :)

But that still wasn't what I wanted to discuss in this post, just wanted to introduce the background information first. While the little girl, Madison, was up there, the boy, Kaden from the mother/son team was cheering her on -- something you don't very often on a show like Fear Factor. The other boy, Christian, from the father/son team jeered at him, "Are you a man?" Now what does have sportsmanship have to do with one's manhood, I have no idea. But I didn't have to wait long for my question to be answered. The little boy, Kaden, immediately snapped back, "At least I don't have to haggle little girls to make myself look good," which left Christian incapable of a comeback. Now if I was the boy's mother, I would have been SO proud. Not only does he have a strong sense of what's right and wrong, he is also quick witted -- a skill that I still don't possess at my age. Ten, twenty minutes later, Christian also cheered for Madison, which I suppose was a good sign -- he knew what he did was wrong and was willing to make a change. This time the dad snapped at him right away, "Are you growing soft of me?" And that pretty much explained everything. I've met people like that -- confusing being a jerk with being a man. I feel for that little boy, Christian, who has a life-long road of becoming his dad in front of him.

Skipping to the end of the show, the mother/son team won the final grand price of US$50,000. I believe we all feel sorry for little Madison, unfortunately that's just the way the game works. So the Mychale & Kaden team was naturally the next one that we root for. Immediately before the time of completion was announced for the last stunt, both the mother and son thought they have lost to the father and son team. She apologized to her son, "I'm sorry," to which his response was, "No, it's not your fault, mom." That was yet another nice touch from this team. Obviously it's all in the upbringing. I don't know about other viewers, but I was sure happy they kick the ass of the father/son team. :) Perhaps there is a God after all. :D The Fear Factor God? :D


The Joy of Blogging

There are different level of joy of blogging:

(1) the joy of somebody reading your blog;
(2) the joy of somebody enjoying reading your blog; and
(3) last but not the least, the joy of simply writing/blogging/rambling in your own blog.

And one should never lose perspective of that.

Of course the above are simply my priorities. The order can certainly varies for different folks.

Bottomline, with the exception of very few of us, blogging is just a hobby. If you get the priority wrong and your hobby is no longer enjoyable, it turns into work -- and work without pay no less. :D

Friday, May 21, 2004

The Color Green

Green also known as midori in Japanese, a beautiful female name and also the name of a drink. In US, green is a synonym for money. In the Chinese culture, green sometimes can have the implication of infidelity -- to say a man (fairly gender specific) is wearing a green cap means his (female) partner is cheating on him. The saying is probably gender specific because of China's *polygamous tradition (not anymore, but this saying was probably invented quite a long time ago).

If you ask me what's my favorite color when I was a kid, I would have told you purple and blue. If you ask me now, I'd probably still say my favorite color is blue. I've never really looked at green when I was a kid. Green is, like a "nice guy," it's there, but nobody ever pays it any attention. But the color green had somehow found its way into my life.

First a green bagpack, followed by a green sweater. Next thing you know I bought my husband an entire wardrobe of green outfits. We have two green cars. My blog is predominately green. If I could have my ways, I'll probably have a green cat. I found green to be such a soothing color, no wonder it's referred to as one of the "earth tones." Isn't it strange how ones preferences just change so subtlely in life -- from like to dislike, or vice versa -- sometimes without one even noticing.

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The Blogging Mood

Blogging is a "mood." When you are *in* the mood, words come naturally to you; when you are not in the mood, you'll have to go search for them and they usually don't come out quite right. Unless, of course, if you are MIKE, in which case, you will be able to write on demand. :D Hurray to Mike! :)

New Toy!!! :)

Today is a happy day. I got my FIRST legitimate guest pin (see right column) along with a very nice feedback. :) (Yeah, the rest are all "pins by requests." XD) I am so happy! I am so happy!

Hubby was finally back from his first underway. He had watch tonight :(( but at least I got to meet up with him for a bit on base. :) The Navy base is BEAUTIFUL at night. Never had I realized how important it is for me to live near the ocean until my trip to MONTANA with my husband. That's what you get for growing up on a little island like Hong Kong. :)

Did you see my new toy the Blog Poll? :) Did I hear a sigh of relief? Oh, no, no, no. The blinkies shall return promptly this weekend when I finally get some sleep.

I've also moved around some of the layout to hopefully make my blog more intuitive (it crossed my mind to use "intuit" or "intuitive" as my alias... but after a second thought, that just sounds waaay to arrogant, even for ME!). I moved the Guest Map up to somewhere visible. *hint* *hint* Now all I need to do is to learn CSS and make my hyperlinks more obvious. Wish me luck, my brain is already fried.

Maybe over the weekend I'll write about why I wasn't able to sleep while my hubby was gone or maybe that's simply too petty to be noted. I'll sleep on that one. :)

Chinese Inputting Dictionary

Friend of mine obtained a Chinese inputting dictionary from Hong Kong for me upon my request. Get this, it's listed in alphabetically order...

But now I no longer have to try all combination, or worse, browse through websiteS to find the character so I can copy/paste. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much, Helen. Although she doesn't really read this blog. :D It's the thought that counts. :)

Food for Thought

So I have a question for all of my (imagined) loyal readers, or drive-by readers:

When you look at a blinkie, does it appear to blink on and off, rotate in a clockwise direction, or rotate in a counter-clockwise direction?

Apparently I spoke too soon when I diagnosed (without a license even!) that I have officially gone off the deep end as of yesterday.

Blinkies, The Return

Mike seems to think I need a break from the blinkies. Hmmmmmmm. NAaaaaaah. Ready or not, here's more!!

I shall call this, "Advice To the Hubby" :)

Am I just being a sexist or do men tend more to put their feet in their own mouths? :) (Oh no! I can just see Mike going off on me on this one. XD)

My Life in a Nutshell

Get obsses over some thing, snap out of it; get obssessed over something else, snap out of it, or not snap out of it, but replaced by another obssession. And on and on and on unto all eternity. :D

I am blogging from work. Else there will also be a blinkie attached to this post. XD I also want my hubby to get a chance to SEE the post I created for him before it gets moved to the next page. Hehehe.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Gone off the Deep End

I removed my tagboard (that nobody ever wrote on) and replaced it with blinkies. 98% of my blog is now dominated with blinkies. I think I have officially gone off the deep end.

Blinkies Madness -- My Hubby

Tomorrow my hubby is returning from his very first underway since we have been together. :))))) So here's something special for him. If you have been a loyal reader of mine (ROFLMAO), you would know that he's a very mushy type of guy. :D So here goes:

My is a .

and .

We are

Tomorrow there will be lots of .

I have no idea what this mean, but its so cute I am going to throw it in anyway. :)

Blinky Madness -- Dedicated to Blinky, My Friend

There's only one way to express my current mental state:

Right now my goal is to have enough blinkies to fill ONE WHOLE DVD!! That's right!! FOUR POINT SEVEN GIGABYTE WORTH OF BLINKIES!!! Wouldn't that be lovely? :)

How about a blinkie rack?

Credits: Muppet's Madness and renee and others

Attack of the Blinkies

Remember how I have said I have very developed senses once? Well, other than over-developed senses, I am also easily influenced by outside suggestions. Just look at what Blinky had got me into:


Small cat blinkies


Medium cat blinkies

Large cat blinkie

Have I ever mentioned that I am a cat person? (If you feel the urge telling me that I'm a nutcase or a goof, don't bother. Many have already beat you to the punch. Just shut up and enjoy my blinkie madness phase, alright?)

Owing to difficulty in saving, viewing, and retrieving, I was unable to pinpoint where I obtained each and every single blinky. (If you see your blinkies on here and was not properly credited, do send me an email and I'll be sure to add a link back to your site. I have no intention of claiming these work as my own.) But I am almost positive a majority of the blinkies above are from DizzyStreet

What I am feeling now:


I've spent a lot of time thinking whether my blog is too tedious, too opinionated, too childish, too angry, too.... And at the end I've came to realize that I am probably not going to become a published blogger in the near future. So what the heck, I am just going to blog whatever the hell I feel like as long as it makes me happy. I am happy, are you? :)


I discovered something interesting yesterday. If one does a search on "parsoni" on Google, this blog, yes, BananaTreeHouse will come up as first match. Well, not that I am not happy that my blog is so popular. LOL. But the name is adopted from the scientific name of Parson's Chameleon (Chamaeleo parsonii), one would imagine the top match will have something to do with some sort of lizards... Ooops, just realized I've accidentally dropped an "i" in my nick. :) That might explain a lot. :)

More blinkies to come!!

My IE was totally jacked up by some adware/spyware, so I have to download blinkies from hubby's machine. These people who make these parasitic programs really need to study some biology. If the parasites kill off the host too fast, you don't benefit from the host--do you truly think users are just going to sit there and look at ad all day long when you render their computers useless? How is that effective advertising?! I can't wait till the day when adware/spyware became illegal. I think people who send those stuff out should all get death penalty. J seems to think I am being too harsh. :D

Come back to check out on the blinkies!!

More on Blinkies

You'll be seeing more of these in the future.

I plan on littering these all over my blog. :D But don't stare at them for too long, you just might end up having an epileptic seizure!! I thought I was going to go BLIND today, after staring at these things for HOURS last night!!

And congrats on my 100th entries. Of course, my 100th entry would be one of these trivial ones. :) Now all I need is a LIFE!

The above blinky is created by Joanna.


This is quickly turning into an angry blog so I think I'll write about something less serious. I finally snapped out of blogshares. After all, without real money involve, one loses one's interest quickly. Then my friend Blinky got me into these things called "blinkies." They are like animated gifs makes like blinking, neon lights lah. I spent all night, literally, downloading blinkies... It's unbelievable. Maybe tomorrow I can put some on here!! :)

Ack! I got adware again!! Help! Help!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

More on President Bush

"I continue to urge restraint," Bush told reporters following a Cabinet meeting. "It is essential that people respect innocent life in order for us to achieve peace."

Can we say "irony"? Do anyone know how many Iraqii civilians have been killed since our occupation of Iraq? Well, Amnesty Internation estimated over 10,000 as of February 18, 2004 (Link). It's almost amazing that amoung the outrage of the death of the few US civilians, albeit their violent nature, very few words were heard about the innocent Iraqii civilians. I almost have more respect for the woman who said "we want oil, here we come" than those who still believes in our higher purpose of freeing the Iraqii. "Far from being liberated, the people of Iraq continue to live in fear and insecurity," announced Amnesty International (see article below).

Related Articles:

Iraq: Civilians killed by UK Armed Forces and armed groups

Honorable mention:

Stop Apologizing for Civilian Casualties

A different point of view.

Law & Personal Responsibilities

Growing up in Hong Kong and returning to the States, I definitely prefer being in the US. Yet the legal system of this country continues to baffle me. Why is it that sometimes it feels like the laws are made to protect the dumb and the criminals?

Take a look at this article on today's San Diego Union Tribute titled Parents of dead teen sue eatery over booze by Dana Littlefield. The parents are suing the restaurant for contining serving Ryan Nielsen alcohol after he was visibly drunk. Nielsen later on picked up two passenager, one of whom being Eric Tryon. Nielson and Tryon were both killed in an accident where Nielson lost control of his SUV.

Granted, it's the state law that restaurants are not allowed to serve alcohol to anyone visibly drunk, but why is it the responsibly of the restaurants to stop people from drinking and driving? What about Nielson's personal responsibilities? Maybe he was no longer able to judge when he order subsequent drinks and got into his car, but if he knew he was going to pick up two passengers later on that night, what was he doing drinking in the first place? Should he survived, would the teen's parent be suing him instead of the restaurant?

I strongly dislike the fact that our judiciary system allows individuals to freely weasle out of personal responsibilities. I wonder if there's another country that require packaging on electronic devices to specify "batteries not included." Wouldn't that be the natural assumption? And products come with 20-pages user manaul with half a page of instructions and the other 19 1/2 pages on what not to do with the product. Other than the obvious, are manufacturers suppose to anticipate what individuals might do with the products that is entirely out of the normal? "Do not submerge hairdryer in bathtub"? Isn't that going a little bit too far? Why are we fostering the behavior of not taking personal responsibilties?

Back to our question at hand. If the restaurant employees were expected to be able to tell the external symptoms that Neil was drunk, i.e. slurring of speech. Whilst I am sorry for loss of the Tyron family, I must ask, shouldn't teen Tryon, at age 18, also exercise his judgement and refuse the ride?

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

The Ultimate Driving Machine

I wonder why we don't see them yet? Completely computerizable, programmable cars that do not require human drivers. Oh wait, then it can't be a "driving machine" anymore, can it? So I'll call it a "transportation port." You would think they'll be roaming our highways already, considering so many spend over two hours each way going to and from work.

I know this sounds childish but I am going to have to describe my idea of the "ultimate tranportation pod" to you. First of all, it has to have windows, it doesn't feel very good to ride in something that moves without windows. Definitely recliners instead of crappy chairs we have now, with leather upgrade as an option. :) Air-conditioning, mini-fridge, mini-bar, soda, fruits... (oh wait, I am getting carried away :). And to top it all, wireless internet connection.

All of a sudden four hours of commute a day is not too bad when you can sleep, relax or even work more during your travel, huh? And without the drunk drivers and reckless drivers, maybe we can even reduce accident-related traffic jams! :)

So, here's my question, IF you have a choice of such a said vehicle, will you (1) never drive again? (2) drive significantly less? or (3) drive just like normal because you enjoy driving, congestion or not?

Monday, May 17, 2004

The Definition of Life?

I find it of interest that while Bishop Sheridan (see my post on May 15) expressed where Catholics should stand on issues regarding abortion, euthanasia, and gay marriage, nothing was mentioned about stem cell research. One would imagine that an issue such as gay marriage will fade in front of a topic of a much grander scheme such as life/embryos. Personally I'd think this is more of a cut and dry case than that of the abovementioned issues. But what do I know, I am not a Catholic. Does that mean this issues merely slipped the mind of Bishop Sheridan, or that he has yet to determine which way to manipulate the Catholic voters? Perhaps he personally knows someone who's suffering from one of the diseases that stem cell research shed lights on curing? I wonder if that makes him a "cafeteria Bishop."

I refer to the article "Stem-Cell Rebel" by Margot Roosevelt published in Times magazine in the May 17, 2004 issue.

Last month 206 U.S. Representatives wrote to the President, calling on him to fund stem-cell research on spare embryos from a pool of some 400,000 stored in the freezers of in vitro fertilization clinics. These embryos, only a few days old and smaller than the head of a pin, will probably be discarded unless they are donated to science. Embryonic stem cells, the letter noted, can be used to treat "diseases that affect more than 100 million Americans, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury ..." The signatories included two dozen pro-life Republicans.

"Pro-life Republicans"--yet another interesting term to learn. Let me understand this: abortion is wrong but fertility clinic creating extra embryos to be discarded later OR to use the excess embryos for stem cell research are acceptable. Hmmmm. I am not even going to quote George Orwell anymore--it is simply getting old too fast.

Granted, the definition of "when life begin" which we have been debating for decades can be tricky. When I was younger, some 10-13 years ago, it was a cut and dry case for me--I am pro-choice. Mind you, to date I still am pro-choice. Same reason I support euthanasia, the quality of life comes before life itself. It's not worth giving birth to a kid when he/she is not going to get the kind of love and care that he/she needs or that the quality of life of all those around him/her degrades significantly--parent(s) who are not financially or emotionally ready to have a child. On the side, I do not agree to use abortion as a form of birth control.

I've never bothered myself with "when life began." I assumed it's somewhere in the grey area of when the embryo resemble a baby. For the most part, I left that discussion of when the soul enters the embryo/fetus to Catholics. My very simple view point changed owing to my last job--a tissue recovery personel who goes around to hospitals, morgues, or Coroners' Office procuring tissues from cadaver donors for transplant purposes. Sometimes our job requires us to follow organ teams. (Organ teams procure the ORGANS which tissue recovery, well, procure the tisses. And I shall not go into more graphic description here as I have been told some might find that disturbing. Many of you may not know that -- I certainly didn't before I started the job -- organ procure can only be performed on heart-beating, brain-dead patients.) My very first case following an organ team was when I learned that the patient was first pronounced as "brain-dead," the organ team cross-clamp the patient prior to the procurement, causing, I guess you can say, the physiological death of the patient. I was stunted. I couldn't shake the feeling that the organ team was the ones who "killed" the patient for the rest of the night. And that's what prompted me to re-think the issue of when life began. If I consider a brain-dead patient still alive, then I should consider the same of a fertilized egg, regardless of its days of existence.

Personally I find stem-cell research more disturbing. Creating embryos just for the purpose of destroying them? At least with aborption we are dealing embryos/fetuses created unintentionhally. I got an idea, how about using aborpted fetuses for stem-cell research? That's like two birds with one stone. Regardless, my pro-choice stance still stand. But "pro-choice Republican"? How exactly do they draw the line? Pick one side of the fence will you? I wonder if it makes them "cafeteria Republicans" when the pick and choose what they support.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Use it or Lose it

I felt bad for neglecting my blog for two days last week. Got way to caught up in the Blogshares game. :) It was hard to return to writing after slacking off for two days. But once I've got that "Catholic & I" post out, it's like I have unleasheed the blog monster inside of me all over again. I just want to write and write till I drop. :)

Have you ever have one of those days that you just want to suck in any information--news, blogs, pictures, general knowledge--that you can get your hands on? I am in one of those moods today. At least this should tie me over the third day without the hubby. :(

Wet Ass Chronicles

Okay, this is one of the blogs under the "Blogs of Notes" listing on so I'm sure it's already getting lots of hits and recognition. But it's so funny that I feel the need to mention it in my blog. If nothing else, at least for those of you who are not with :)

Wet Ass Chronicles

Get Out of the Way, Surfer Boys

I found a picture that I want to share with my fellow readers. XD


I found it on The Wet Ass Chronicles

Whom got their picture from Wahine Surfing

Small Victory

Same-sex unions will be legal in Mass. tomorrow by David Crary.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Even if many Americans wish otherwise, Massachusetts, as of tomorrow, will join the Netherlands, Belgium and Canada's three most populous provinces as the only places worldwide where gays can marry, though the rest of Canada is expected to follow soon.

Kinda disappointed that we are not the first country that does it. I guess we can't be #1 in everything. :) Harray to the Canadians!!

Please, please, please don't let our country take such a big step backward as to put discrimination into our constitution.


I have been debating whether I should split up the current event posts and the trivial person posts into two separate blogs. Any feedback/comment on that issue? Anyone?

Saturday, May 15, 2004

So Happy!

I am so happy I finally finished the "Catholic & I" blog that was giving me writer's block. XD And being an anal person, I didn't want to move on to other blogs until that is finished. Now that that is out of the way, I can write about all my petty stuff to my heart's content again. :) So happy!

Audio Blog

What a cool concept!! I always get these master pieces in my head while I am driving. Once I even pulled out my PDA and recorded myself. XD But that was for something truly important lah. For the most part, I hate talking into machines. It took me a very long time to start leaving messages on other's answering machine. To date I still hate those customer service places that ask you to make your select or identify your problem by *talking to their bot*. Sprint PCS's customer support is notorious for that. They even have a name for their bot--Claire. I don't like Claire. :D So whilst I think this audio blog thing is really cool, I doubt I'll ever use it. I could only see one audio blog on Audio Blogger.

So I was thinking. If it's hard enough to weave through the blogs out there to find a few that one truly likes, it must be even harder to weave through audio blogs. For one you can't skimp. The audio will take the same amount of time to play as it was recorded. It will be cool though if we have a device to play it in the car, like radio stations... Just some random thoughts about audio blogging is all. :)

Catholic & I

Originally I was going to name this post "Religion & I", but since I hardly know all the religions under the sun, I really should stick with what I know and want to talk about.

Many years ago I read this book (it was so long time ago and I do not remember the name or the author's name of it), and the author said in it, "If I believe in something that does not exist, that would make me superstitious; if I don't believe in something that exists, that would also make me superstitious." For the longest time, that's always what I live by.

I was raised a Catholic, but I chose to be an atheist instead. How I come to dislike being a Catholic, I'll save that for a different post. Right now, I think of religion as a "crutch" for many people. People who does not know why they are put on earth and cannot go on without thinking there's a "deeper meaning" in life, so they choose to believe there are more after life. Which is fine, whatever keeps them going. I use "atheism" in the same way. I guess you can all that my "religion." I found the idea of "heaven" and "hell" and "eternity" very disturbing, so I choose not to believe. In the end, it's all the same. There's got to be SOMETHING at the beginning, let that be "God" or the "universe" or "some matter." Use the terms interchangeably if you want, in the end, we don't know what and when and how it all started until "after life."

Because of that belief, I consider "religion," specifically Catholic, sort of like a hobby, or a lifestyle, or a set of guidelines to a lifestyle. It, in my opinion, is kind of like BDSM--there's no need to be ashame of it, nor is there a need to advocate it. It's what goes on behind close doors and it should stay there and should by no means interfere with your daily life.

Imagine my surprise--what an understatement--when I read this article titled Colo. bishop broadens ban on Communion by Laurie Goodstein published on Thursday, May 14, in San Diego Union Tribune.

My first response was literally stunt beyond words. I had all these ideas in my head but I was unable to organize and formulate them into sensible words.

Check this out:

The Roman Catholic bishop of Colorado Springs has issued a pastoral letter saying that Catholic Americans should not receive Communion if they vote for politicians who defy church teachings by supporting abortion rights, same-sex marriage, euthanasia or stem-cell research.

Several U.S. bishops have warned that they will deny Communion to Catholic politicians who fail to stand with the church, but Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs is believed to be the first to say he would extend the ban to Catholic voters.

This whole discussion about whether the Roman Catholic should allow Kerry to take Holy Communion (link), I mean, is that even right? Is it not like the church is wanting to have their power/influence over politics? I suppose when we say "separation of church and state" that only means the state is not allow to mingle with the church, it by no means prevent the church from trying to assert their influences over politics. Is that not a blackmail of sort to threaten not allowing a certain individual of choosing their own stances on current issues, especially when the said individual is a presidential candidate?

I have also learned a new term from this article--"cafeteria Catholics"--allegedly those who "pick and choose the doctrines they agree with." Those have traditionally been the individuals that I was able to tolerate. These are individuals who are, and God forbid, capable of intellectual/analytical thinking and be able to decide for themselves what to believe in and what not to. Apparently that makes you a bad Catholic. So really, why do Catholics even bother going to college, if individual thinkings are deterred? That typically comes with education, you know?

I have always enjoyed discussions with "cafeteria reglious folks," they are the ones that you feel comfortable to ask questions. I was, by no means, obnoxious or offensive about their religions, I am merely curious. I've always hope that, someday, some SENSIBLE religious individual can enlight me into why they believe in what they believe. But according to Colorado Springs Bishop Michael Sheridan, there should be "no room for wiggle room when it comes to the basic moral teachings of the church."

This brings me to another question of mine, also another reason I detest religion/Roman Catholic. When a person commits an earthly crime, say he killed another individual, we have a trial and a group of jury to look at the situation under which the crime is committed. Sometimes people are acquitted due to the circumstances they were in. There are room for reasonings and such, and this is us human that we are talking about. ANYONE will agree with the statement that we are far from perfect, but yet we allow room for others to make mistakes. So my question is, why is everything so cut and dry and black and white when it comes to God/Bible? If you commit certain crime(s), you are doomed, no questions asked. The situation is irrelevant--thou shall not kill, even in self-defense. Does anyone ever question that? Oh, my bad, Catholics are deterred from their own intellectual analysis, apparently not. Don't most folks living in the Bible belt own guns? Why own a gun when you should just let others rob you clean and kill your entire family when they break into your house to be compliant with your religion? Or are they all "cafeteria Catholics"? In which case, none of their souls will attain salvation, so why bothered?

Read the following quote on Bishop Sheridan's view point on "cafeteria Catholics":

"I pray for them, but it could very well mean they're going to go their own way," he said. "You never like to see it, but it happens."

The bishop wrote that Catholics who vote contrary to church teachings "jeopardize their salvation." He said they would be denied Communion "until they have recanted their positions and been reconciled with God and the Church in the Sacrament of Penance."

Translation: If you vote against our doctrines, buddy, you are not going to heaven. Classy, and yet so typical. This is just the kind of classiness I'd expect from a Catholic Bishop. Does that just sound manipulative, or is it just me?

Mind you, I do not dislike God or the belief, I don't know Him. But I strongly dislike the way He is portrayed/interpreted by the earthly humans. I believe the origin of religions are meant to be good, to teach people to love each other, to provide a set of guidelines for people to live by. I had this Muslim co-worker, and everytime we went to a restaurant together he'd make sure absolutely nothing he orders has pork in it. One day I told him my viewpoint that their doctrine probably just say "no pork" because back then it was easy for people to get sick from eating pork, and it's easier to put it in the doctrine than trying to educate the individuals. While he agreed with the viewpoint, he chose to respect his religion and continue to avoid pork, and I respect that. Afterall, it doesn't hurt anyone from him not eating pork. I have a friend who doesn't eat beef. I don't eat a lot of healthy food myself. But I hate to see people using their religions, namely Roman Catholic, as free pass to harm anyone who differs from them.

Taking homosexuals as a example. Does homosexuals getting married harm Catholics in any way? No. (I still fail to see how that hurts the "integrity of marriage," let's first target those heterosexuals who get married some five plus times, shall we?) Yet Catholics feel that they are free to tremple all over gays, saying that their feelings and love for each other are less than that of heterosexual couples. Are they hurting homosexual couples by strongly objecting to their unions? Yes. Do they feel any guilt associated with that? No. Why? Because being Catholic is a free pass to hurt anyone non Catholic or do not fit into to their rosy pictures of how the world (United States in this case) should be.

I've always believe that the ultimate purpose of religions is to encourage people to love each other. Little did I know that, according to a lot of (mostly Bible-related) religions out there, "each other" refer solely to other who belong in the same religion. The world just might be a better place without these so-called religions.

In the interview, the bishop said his aim was to clarify the standards for Catholic voters and hope they apply them in their choice of candidates.

When your religion is telling you what and who you should vote for, do we still have true democracy?


Hubby went on his underway yesterday (he's a sailor!). This is the longest time we'll be apart from each other since we've met. I am surprisingly not as distressed as I had expected given my separation anxiety disorder. I guess some time apart (not excessively long) is healthy for a relationship. After all, it's not like he is being sent to Iraq, what else do I have to complaint about?

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Taking It up a Notch

Made bank at Blog Shares, but it gets bored fast. Going to test my luck (note: not skill) when I come home today on some real investment. Which will presumably be even more boring because the stocks won't skyrocket over night. :D

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Another Site

Can't read a lick of whatever the language, but some of the pictures/graphics are pretty cool.


Check it out!


So I bumped into this blog one day (Yeah, I know, half of my blog
entries start with this line :) and I apologize for not getting the
link and I am no longer able to find the blog. But this lady's
viewpoint, extremely refreshing, mind you, was how heart broken she
was when she heard about us heartless Americans criticizing Mr. Bush
for taking us to war and what a great job he is doing defending our
country from terrorists (by bombing Iraq *ahem*). And that this war is
totally justified unless we are prepared to give up on our
oil-dependence life-style. Huh? What are we, schoolground bullies? Is
that how you'd teach your kid: "If you see your fellow classmates
having what you don't have, but need. Go ahead, beat him/her up and
claim it as yours."? I mean, Wow! Enlightment! That one sure have
never occurred to me. I mean, you've got to admire her style. "Beware! We want oil! Here we come!" Dare I make an educated guess that no one that
she knows and cares about is over in Iraq or have already been
sacrificed for our oil-dependent lifestyle.

Granted, we can't argue that we need oil, but for the amount we've
spent on the war already... can we like, um, say promote the use of
hybrid cars instead? That ought to cut down on our oil-dependency
rather significantly AND best of all, no one will get die for the sake
of it. I sure hope this lady is watching the news and noticing the
increase violence everyday and still find it in her heart of heart to
believe in what we have done is, indeed, right.


And a little advertisement:

article on hybrid cars

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

The Five Senses

I think I have overdeveloped senses. But I don't mean Clark Kent kind of overdeveloped. And I am not bragging, mainly because I don't think it's a particular good thing. That only means I am very susceptable to outside influence.

Sense of smell: fragrance strongly affects my mood. A nice one elevates my mood almost instantaneously. I especially like the msytic garden smell of glade freshener. :)

Taste: Well, as with most of us from Hong Kong, we love our food, it ranks very high in our priority list. Almost ALL of the Chinese blogs that I've been to inevitably talk about food. "My wife made blah, blah, blah." "We went to this restuarant and we ordered blah, blah, blah." My husband said I have "widened his horizon" as far as food is concerned. :)

Sight: eh. That's long shot. Read too much when I was a kid. :)

Tactile: I LOVE touching things, especially soft and furry stuff (don't all women?): stuff animals, my cat, hubby (?). Breeze, sunny day with light breeze makes me feel like I am in Heaven.

Sound: This is about my worse area. I almost can't stand noise at all, even white, background noise. My heart sinks everyday when my colleague turns on her little radio (at a VERY reasonable volume, mind you). If I hear background noises for a prolonged period of time, I can literally turn homicidal.

Now my favorite Sunday pass time is to lounge around in bed, reading, light breeze through the window and hubby listening to music in the living room (I can't stand being right next to the source of music). I give my husband a lot of credit for putting up with my inability to tolerate sound. I always have to tell him to "turn down the volume." But lately, I've finally getting more used to him listening to music around me, or read next to him while he is watching TV. That must be the power of love. :)

Fantasy Stock Market -

As if blogging my life instead of living it isn't bad enough, I discovered yet another new toy: To put it simply, it's a fantasy stock market for weblogs. I played so hard with it that I didn't even have time to blog. XD SOMEBODY GIVE ME MY LIFE BACK!!!!

Sunday, May 09, 2004

My Life is Now Complete

Wow! All the new upgrades on! And FREE even!! This is SO cool. Now I can finally post VIA EMAIL!! Not only that, I also learned how to post using the "Blogger" button on the Google toolbar. My life is now complete... Oh wait, do I really still HAVE one?

More Funny Criminal Stories

If you like those stupid criminal stories, I've got more where they came from. :)

Too Stupid To Live?

Dumb Criminals

Many years ago I've watched this show called "America's Dumbest Criminals." I can't find the show anymore but I found this webpage.

Here's a few sample from here:

Virginia: Two men in a pickup truck went to a new-home site to steal a refrigerator. Banging up walls, floors, etc., they snatched a refrigerator from one of the houses, and loaded it onto the pickup. The truck promptly got stuck in the mud, so these brain surgeons decided that the refrigerator was too heavy. Banging up *more* walls, floors, etc., they put the refrigerator BACK into the house, and returned to the pickup truck, only to realize that they locked the keys in the truck--so they abandoned it.


Kentucky: Two men tried to pull the front off a cash machine by running a chain from the machine to the bumper of their pickup truck. Instead of pulling the front panel off the machine, though, they pulled the bumper off their truck. Scared, they left the scene and drove home...with the chain still attached to the machine...with their bumper still attached to the chain...with their vehicle's license plate still attached to the bumper.

More at

My life in a nutshell

So much to do, not enough time. Twenty-four hours a day is just not enough. I always find myself wanting to do five tasks at the same time, if only I could. Hubby sometimes complaints that he is bored. Boy, do I wish I could steal his extra hours and make them mine. :) Of course, the time will still count as his, else I'll grow old a lot faster than him!! :)

This reminds me of an old, old (Chinese) science fiction story that I've read. I guess the name can loosely be translated into "The Time Meter (憭拚�瑕�唬�����)." And I think it's by 撘萇頂���.

The story started with a woman riding a taxi. She looked bored so the taxi driver asked her if she was, and that if she was bored all the time. She said yes. So he hander her this little timer/meter thingie, and told her to click the button from now on, whenever she was bored, and the time would fly by for her. He told her he'd return in a year and collect the meter from her. A year went by and surely enough he returned for his device. He looked and was very pleased with the time that he had collected from her. She asked him what it was for. So he explained to her that he had designed it himself, it stores unwanted hours of others and he can use them as his own, because he has so many things he wanted to do and see. She asked if he just give the devices to anyone he came into contact with. He said he only gave it to those that looked like that have a lot of free time, else it would just be a waste of his device. She was fascinated by the idea and asked him to take her with him. He hesitated, dividing the time between two person, he would only get half of what he had collected. I think at the end he left without her.

Ahhh, don't I wish I have one of those little devices. :)

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Jack in the Box Commercials

I have long been convinced that at this day and age, you can find literally ANYTHING on the internet. To quote a Chinese idiom, "You can find (buy) a woman with mustache." (It's an old Chinese saying, please don't get offended for any reason.) About the only thing I can't find are these hilarious Jack in the Box commercials.

Recently I heard this one on the radio, it's about Jack (whoever that created the "Jack" figure is simply a genious) reading from a mail bag. I didn't get exactly how it starts, usually by the time I realized it's my favorite commercial, I've already missed the first line, so it goes something like this:

"blah blah blah and I think you are a jerk. Then I tried your chicken sandwich and it was adorable. Anyone who will use Romanian lettuce instead of iceberg is trusthworthy, not someone who'd buy you zarconia and lied to you about it for fifteen years. Are you married, Jack? If so, are you happily married? I think you are hot, do you think I am hot? Include picture from Madri Gras (*flip flip*) OH MI.....! And that's all the time we have for mail bag and let's not do that agan."

And that's my favorite commercial right now. Jack in the Box should really archive their commercials on their website. :) If anyone know where I can find them please drop me a line!

A new trend?

I discovered San Diego Bloggers today, after seeing a Bay Area blogger page. Now, I understand listing blogs by categories -- religious, literature, politics, soapbox -- like on Blogarama, but by area? And to take things a step further, apparently you can go to Geo URL and list your exact longitude and latitude. Isn't that a strange concept? After all the effort of aliases, initials for anonymity purposes, you want to publish your longitude and latitude, which give your exact location? Sort of an oxymoron, won't you say? Oh, you can even see the map of a location. See example:

Random Sample Map

Blogger Forum

If writing in your own blog is not enough, apparently there's also a FORUM for bloggers you can go to. For those of you who has yet to discover blogger forum, here's a couple of funny "articles" I've found.

Blogging Gene Discovered

What drives a person to blog? Turns out that some people are pre-disposed to blog --Born To Blog could be their motto.

This discovery was revealed today by the Register, the British equivalent to Scientific American. If the Register states that something is scientific fact, then it must be so in the same sense that an Alabama county school board concluded that evolution is a "theory" held in disrepute by most scientists. But I digress.

Webloggers are born not made, and shouldn't be persecuted. The activity could be a positive, group-bonding social function such as grooming, or simply a harmless way of passing the time, such as masturbation.

In sifting through the blog data, scientists were first puzzled by one method bloggers use for social interaction. Something the scientists first believed was called "arse feeding" but later discovered was more likely called "RSS feeds". The exact purpose of Arse or "RSS" feeds remains a mystery.

Gmail Invitation

For those of you with Gmail, you have probably noticed that there is a "Invite a Friend" link on the left side of your screen that allows you to send invitations to two people to get Gmail.

These are the invitations some are selling on eBay for around $40 each.

If you don't have Gmail and want it, see if you can talk a Blogger user into sending you one of theirs.

For those who still have invitations available, pick a couple of good friends and make the day for them.

Don't sell your invitations on eBay. That's just plain tacky.

Oh darn. You can sell that for $40 on ebay? I wish I had thought of that!! :)

Friday, May 07, 2004

Another blog I found today

I know. I found a lot of blogs today. XD I've been a goof at work, what can I say. :) Not my fault that it's a slow day. Hehehe. I just wish the entire next week is just as slow. :D

Lately I have ran into a lot of site saying how horrible it is that we are "abusing" the prisoners, I guess the great thing about the internet and the first amendment right is that everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion and to express it. I suppose it's refreshing to read about an opposing viewpoint once in a great while:

John's Blog

So I left this really serious remark on his page. I can't help but to amuse myself with the thought that, should he come to my site out of curiosity, all he'd find is three very cartoonish bunnies staring at him. LOL


So I bummed into this blog today (as I have said before, my favorite past time--especially at work--is to browse as fast as I can down the list of blogs appear on main page. :) and this girl has this list of 101 (yes, that is ONE HUNDRED AND ONE) characteristics that she finds attractive in a man. I sure hope she meant she finds ANY of those quality attractive and NOT the man who possesses them all. 'cuz if that's what she meant, I sincerely wish her luck in finding her other half.

Oh, this blog is in Chinese, btw.

(More to add to this later)

The Ideal Job

I read that most Americans spend less time deciding on which job to take than the amount of time they spent researching for a refridgerator. The article prompts people to take more time on evaluting and asking questions before accepting a job offer. (Easier said than done, usually you don't have that much time to think once a job offer has been made.) The author also promps us to ask ourselves what would we consider an ideal job.

Well, let's see. An ideal job will consist of this: works about 4-6 hours a day, and get paid for 8 or more. Lots of time to surf the web. XD It was slow at work today so I spent about 2 hrs surfing the web today (ideal job. hehe). The only problem with that is: when work comes in in the middle, I feel that it severely disrupts me from reading my websites. LOL. Well, that's a moot point now, I'll be parting this job in a week. *sniff*

Mean Woman in LA

Finally met the first mean person at work. Well, she's in the LA branch, not SD. I've always suspect that people in large cities are nastier. You know, she's the kind who's always unhappy and bitter about her pathetic life and have to make sure she spread that unpleasantness to anyone who is unfortunate enough to cross her path. And I worked alone today so I didn't have anyone to whine to. Mean woman. Mean woman. Go to hell! Okay, I feel better now. Now I can move onto something more pleasant and less tedious. :)

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Hubby, the artist

I felt that my posts have been very heavy lately. Everytime I can't think of anything funny to say, I'll cop up with rants and raves on some current issues. There are always something to bitch about. So, I want to post something lighter for a change. Here's a picture of bunnies that hubby drew for me, copied from a manga. XD

Honorable Mention

I bummed into this site a couple of days ago and really like the dude's writing style--very similar to mine. :D So I am going to recommend it to all of you -- "all" being all THREE of my readers, LOL -- with the blog owner's permission. XD

Stranger in Strange Land

Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do. :)

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Oh My Gosh aka Banana

I accidentally bummed into this site called "" today. Which I found odd cause I thought I have a pretty unique (bizarre) name for a blog. So naturally I followed the link to the site. And to my surprised, the owner of the blog is also a Western born Asian. Now that's a lot of coincidents! Then I realized "banana" is also a term use to refer to "Western born Asians" -- yellow on the outside and white on the inside. Get it? Get it? That was SO not my intention when I picked this name! Here's how the name BananaTreeHouse came into being:

I just read this book called "Everybody has their own coffee tree" (瘥����鈭粹�賣��銝�璉萄惇��潸�芸楛��������⊥邦) by 璇���瑞�� (Yeah! The book is in Chinese!) and I really liked the book. She spent a lot of time describing coffee and coffee beans and coffee trees in her book so I've grew really fond of coffee trees. BUT naming my blog coffee tree OR coffee tree house will sound too much like a cafe (and I don't even drink coffee) so I picked the next thing that came to mind, and you guessed it--banana. In retrospect, I should have picked Guava or Papaya, if nothing else, it's not exotic (tropical, which could also be interpreted as a hint of Asian :). Ah well, now I have already grown fond of the name I am unwilling to let go of it. Not to mention I just got a link from another blogger today! Oh I am so happy. :)

For the time being, this is going to have to stay as BananaTreeHouse.

Shall we start calling a spade a spade?

This blog entry is inspired by an article on yesterday's San Diego Union-Tribune titled Let's call it what it was ��� torture by Kevin Donegan.

Is it really abuse or torture? When I first saw headlines about "abuses of Iraqi prisoner," I was thinking "What's the big deal about a few kicks and punches. It is a war zone for crying out loud. Can you blame a few soldiers for being a bit disgruntle?" Apparently the truth went far beyond just a few "kicks and punches." Perhaps, like many other Americans, I tried to turn a blind eye on truth. As mentioned in Donegan's article, we associate "torture" with evil regime like Saddam Hussein, we American are incapable of committing such heinous crimes. Perhaps it is now time for us to look at the ugly facts.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Gmail v. Privacy

So I have heard a lot about this Gmail versus privacy issue. Gmail is this new free webbased email service that provides users with 1 gigabyte of storage. They also advocate using automated system to scan the emails and show appropriate advertisements. I fail to see how these Internet privacy groups can raise a big fuss over it. It's a FREE service, isn't it? If you don't like it, don't utilize the service. It's not the same as the government announcing that they'll be screening our emails indiscriminately. Alternatively, one can also encrypt one's emails. I've heard of some free services out there that you can utilize, but I have yet to get around to playing with that. That's the next agenda on my list--learn how to send encrypted emails. XD

Regardless, it's an individual's choice to sign up and utilize this service and to have all their personal emails stored on Gmail's server. How is that illegal? I guess it's really disturbing for some about the email-scanning thing. But frankly, as long as its only scanned by automated system, for certain keywords, I really couldn't careless. In addition, unless you are a very important person (in which case maybe you should consider not using Gmail), your emails are probably pretty boring to read. Nowadays, everybody put their journals/diaries online (you are reading one as we speak), exactly how interested are you in reading these? Hence my point.

I refer to this article titled "Gmail controversy highlights Net privacy issue" by Hiawatha Bray published on San Diego Tribule, dated Monday, May 3, 2004. (Click on this link to read entire article.) In which they've also pointed out other services such as or also store a lot of personal information. I guess, in the end, as it said in the article, "little by little, people are moving more and more of their lives onto the network... Millions of us use Web-based software to invest our savings, pay our bills, and file our tax returns." This is the trend; this is the way that we are heading. Sort of like job-outsourcing, like it or not, we can't stop it from happening. Do you really want to use snail mail/fax instead of email? Whilst a lot of people has yet to make their first online purchase, I certainly cannot live without it. So if our worry is the "centralization of personal information," then we need to look further than criticizing Gmail for our solution. The way of living is changing, and stopping the progress cannot be the solution to it. We will have to come up with more new and innovative solutions (which I do not have any suggestions of :p).

Others are also concerned about the "reliability" of the Gmail service. Um... I'm a strong believer of "beggars can't be choosers." If you want guaranteed reliability within reason, go for paid service. If you want free service, you take what they offer.

In defence for Gmail, and I quote Ari Schwartz, associate director of the Center for Democracy and Technology, a privacy think tank in Washington, D.C., "Gmail really isn't the issue. Gmail just highlights the problem."

And, on a different note, according to Richard Smith, an internet security consultant, "If you're going to commit a crime on the Internet through e-mail, you're going to go to jail. It is very, very hard to hide your traces." And that is a bad thing?

Are these people for real?

From an article titled "For creationists, an evolution of sorts" published in San Diego Tribute dated Saturday, May 1, 2004.

PENSACOLA, Fla. ��� Robert and Schoen Passmore took their children to Walt Disney World last fall and left bitterly disappointed.

As Christians who reject evolutionary theory, they and their children scoffed at the park's dinosaur attractions, which date the brontosaurus and the like to prehistoric times.

"My kids kept recognizing flaws in the presentation," said Schoen Passmore of Jackson, Ala. "You know ��� the whole 'millions of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth' thing."

You have GOT to be kidding me...

To view the entire article, follow this link

Monday, May 03, 2004

Jellyfish and Banana

So I had this funny conversation with my husband one day. By now you should know that my husband and I are just two cracked peas in a pod. :) You see, my husband... is a man (duh!), so naturally he'll come up with these stupid ideas out of the blue from time to time. (My friend M. is about to be offended again. LOLOL.) So this very day, his opinion was that most great discoveries are entirely coincidental. So I'm like, "Ugh, you mean when one friend got stung by jelly fish, his friend just, out of the blue, suggested to pee on him?" Imagine this scenario, "I"m sorry you got stung by jelly fish, let me pee on you to make it better." (BTW, I did some research before posting this blog, most sites seem to think that peeing on the victims of jellyfish sting is not a good idea.) Or better yet, while someone is having a severe cramp, his friend will say to him, "Here, dude, have a banana."

Death & Vacation

Death makes lives precious as in
Workdays make vacations invaluable.
- me

Walk a mile in someone else's shoes

"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes; that way you are a mile away and you have his shoes." or so the saying goes.

I would love to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Given how short a life time is, a person can have, at most, two careers (careers, not jobs) in one's lifetime. Okay, I can see some highly talented, over achievers maybe having up to three careers in a lifetime, but that's it. A lot of time, life involves choices. Do I want to be a stay-at-home mom or a career-oriented woman? Or in modern days, whether the man or the woman stay home with the kid? To have kids at a healthy younger age or enjoy what life has to offer child-free? There are no right or wrong answers, it's highly subjective. And even for each individual, each choice has it own longs and shorts. Bottomline, you can't have it all.

If I can have one kind of supernatural power, I'd like the ability to "walk in someone's shoes," so to speak. I want to know what it is like to be a successful man in Wall Street or being the editor-in-chief for a top notch fashion magazine in New York. How about the lead singer on Boardway? Or something less metropolitan: What is it like to be a wildlife photographer? Or a scenic one trying to take pictures on a snow-covered alpine right before day break? What is it like to be a marine biologist that spend her time year round on the ocean with marine lives? An archeologist? A paleontologist? Or what goes on in the mind of the volunteers right now in Iraq polling the damages US has done? What is it like to be...... and the questions go on.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

In an Ideal World...

(This opinion might be somewhat strong for some. Readers discretion advised. :)

I hate drunk drivers and I hate reckless drivers. I also dislike bigots and narrowminded fanatics, but I hate nothing more than drivers with no considerations for others' lives. It particularly distresses me whenever I heard on news about accidents caused by drunk/reckless drivers who walked away scratchless but the innocent victims died. In an ideal world, the culprits, and only the culprits, will die, everytime. Won't that make such a wonderful world? You want to zip from lane to lane, be my guest, just make sure you don't *ever* slip. You had a few drinks, but decided that you are still sober enough to drive? Sure. One less inconsiderate bastards--natural selection at work.

To clarify myself, true accidents are different. That is just an unfortunate event, and the above rule doesn't apply.