Banana Tree House

This is a blog on my incoherent thoughts and painstaking details of my life. Welcome and please consider this the disclaimer...

Saturday, July 31, 2004

These pictures are hilarious

Check them out. :)

The Generation of Disposable Products

I LOVE disposable products. It's probably not too environmentally friendly, no matter what they say, but I stand by them anyway. I think I own every disposable products that make that I remotely use, including disposable contact lens that I rarely use.

It all started from the Swiffer Wet Jet (disposable mop basically). I saw their commercial and that was it for me. I had to have one. For a germsphobe like me, this is a must have.

The Swiffer duster was yet another blessing. It's inexpensible, it's disposable, AND it works like a champ. For some odd reason hubby just knew I have something like that. He actually asked me what I had for dusting (though I never dust :) when he wanted to clean his computer area.

My personal favorite was Scrubble Bubbles' disposable toilet brush. Oooh, how I used to hate that puddle left behind by the toilet brush inside it's holder. It's disgusting!! Now it's all gone. :D

I feel very lucky living in this era. (Of course women 50 years from now will probably say the same thing.. and probably more true than someone saying it now. Hahaha)

To top it all, I've discover the ultimate disposable product -- kitty litter box. You heard me right. Disposable kitty litter box. You set up the kitty litter, use it for two weeks, then toss the whole thing away. No more cleaning needed!!! I was estactic when I heard it on the commercial. Of course I have to buy it the very next day. I could never keep up with my cat. And the litter box was also the major deterring factor that I am not getting a second cat. Now I can have as many kitty as I want. :)) Okay, maybe not.

They say catsj' meowing differ depending on what they are trying to say. My cat has this funky long meowing sound whenever we get out of the bathroom. We think she's scolding us for locking her out of the bathroom. :) The short and well spaced out ones are "feed me" call. And I think the other annoying one is "clean my litter box now" call. :D

I have yet to get her to use the new litter box. :( Today I'm going to try to add some of her regular litter in as suggested and see if I have any luck. Or I should just remove her old one altogether. Hehehe.

Okay, informercial time is over. We will soon be back to our regular programming.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Creationist? Darwinian?

So hubby and I got into this very serious "religious" discussion one day. Can I truly call it "religious"? I would guess religion should naturally address the question of "where we come from?" But if that's the case, Darwinian will be a "religion." Anyways, to make a long story short, we've came to the serious conclusion that there simply HAS to have been alien intervention somewhere down (up?) the evolutionary line. And once again, we were dead serious. Let's just say I'm glad he actually agreed with me instead of thinking that I am crazy.

Have you ever taken one of those IQ test where they show you 5 patterns (a triangle, a rectangle, a square, a rombus and a circle) and asked you to pick one that one that "doesn't fit in with the rest"? Well, that's human's place on earth. (Mike from electric bugaloo tried to rile me up by asking me, "and just how do you know you are smarter than a dolphin?" I don't. But that's not what I am saying at all.) I am not saying that we are the smartest, but that we simply deviate too much from the rest of the species on earth, even to our closet relatives -- the chimpanzees.

Here's why I say that:

- We have no natural predators, there's really no means of keeping our population in check other than genocide -- and we are damn good at it.

- Other species evolve to adapt to the environment. We solve our issues a completely different way -- with our intelligence.

- We chase other species to extinction for reasons other than food.

- We have "civilization."

- We kill others of the same species for reasons other than food or mate.

- We happily destroy the environment for other living things on earth, or earth in general.

Surely one can argue that there are also good among our race. Some of us do choose an altruistic profession:- cops, firefighter, other sort of volunteers (Note: I am not putting doctors in here, they get paid too much to be "altruistic," perhaps just the underpaid ones, like the ones with Doctors without Border.) But if you put the good and the bad on a scale. Ummm, I'm sorry to point out that the scale is definitely tipped way to the bad side.

With the astonishing rate that we are wipping out species and destroying the environment, whatever faint effort we make to salvage what is left can't even quality as tip of an iceberg. So if you are a creationist and believe that God created us, then I think He had possibly made a BIG mistake.

So my theory (not new at all) is that aliens came at some point and alter the genetic composition of some animals (most likely chimp or other great apes) and ta-da there's human -- in this sense, "alien" and "God" can be used interchangeably. What is the purpose of all this? Oh, I cannot answer that question. Perhaps earth is just like an ant farm to Him/them. Perhaps Him/them had meant it to be good but things went terribly wrong. Sometimes I think maybe the "experiment" on earth is like an "etch and scratch," when all else fails, or just done, shake it violently and start over again.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

San Diego. San Diegans.

So Comic-Con was over and hubby and I didn't go. Mainly because we are too cheap to shell uot $30 per head to go in for all 30 minutes. Neither one of us is a comic fan, well, I like manga, but I don't really read them in English, so that's a moot point. I sorta wanted to go not because I'm interested in the stuff there but for the atmosphere, and that one doesn't always get to live at a place where it's happening. And that's the reason why I dig San Diego -- it's where it's happening. But man, are San Diego movie-goers obnoxious in the theaters. I literally bitch about my horrible theater experience on here after EVERY SINGLE MOVIE that we went to, which is like about every week.

The very last movie we went to was "Bourne Supremacy," but don't ask me how's the movie. I spent literally half the time in the theater pissed off at the folks next to us. You see, we decided to try a different theater than Pacific, so we went to AMC. We went there short before the movie start so majority of the seats are taken. We (stupid hubby really) decided to take a chance and not sit on the left section, so we picked a row close to the back. There were two girls at the very end, we skipped a seat, take the next two, and there's another empty one between hubby and the guy next to him.

Not too long before the movie start, these four very trashy people came and demanded the couple next to us to move so the four of them can sit in a row. Unfortunately for us, the couple decided to scoop the other way, making hubby next to this group. Well, each of them has a cell phone and did not stop using them through out pretty much the entire movie. They didn't talk loud enough so I can hear, except toward the very end of the movie where asshole #1 said "I'll call you back in 20 mins." All of them have the same model of phones, the ones that the ENTIRE phone glows when activated. Yeah, so every 5 minute or so there'll be this light source coming from next to us. A single guy sat next to me and he was okay, but the two girls at the end were whispering through the whole movie. Yet another wonderful experience at a San Diego theater.

Sacramento might not have conventions and such, but at least I can enjoy a movie in peace. Not to mention the affordable housing...

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Honesty or Smart?

So I was listening to the radio on my way to work yesterday, the two hosts were talking about this very honest taxi driver who turned in a bag of jewelries that's worth $70,000 that's left in his car. He was given a $500 reward.

The male host said, "that's great, it's $500, considering that he probably wasn't even looking for a reward to begin with." The female host thinks he should be rewarded with more money, at least in the 3 zero's range, like $1,000. Now let's examine this:

First of all, was the taxi driver really just being "honest"? Personally I question the source of the jewelries. If they belong to a jewelry store, would they just let a forgetful employee transport them in a cab? Is it just some rich guy who can't afford to have his own car/chauffer? Ruling out the above two possibilities what does that leave us? Do I really have to spell it out for you? The taxi driver might not necessarily be an honest man, but he's definitely a smart man. Perhaps the "Lethal Weapon" series had simply taught him better than the educational system had. :)

Okay, assuming that's the wrong scenario. (On hindsight, if the jewelries was re-united with their owner, the owner must have reported them lost. I guess they don't belong to a mob after all. :D) The guy who left it in fact IS a jewelry store employee transporting jewelries. Does the company has to be responsible for his carelessness? I mean, $500 is not big bux by any stretch of imagination, but it's still out-of-pocket expenses (wonder if they can write it off tax). Does the reward necessarily has to be proportionally to the value of the goods? (A lady once gave me $50 for finding her lost cat. :) Her husband didn't look too happy that we found the cat though.)

Furthermore, is there a standard rate of how much you pay someone for retrieving lost items? I mean, it's not like tipping your waiter, where 15-20% is the "going standard." Sure, in an ideal world the person should be rewarded for his honesty, but that cash still have to come from somewhere. How much do you think the goverment can pay him if that was goverment property that he retrieved?

That said, I think $3,000 - $5,000 would be nice. :D

The Perfect World - A Post Inspired by "I, Robot"

(Warning: If you had not yet watched "I, Robot" the movie and do not want it spoiled for you. Do not read any further. Skip to the next entry. :)

The movie "I, Robot" prompted me to think about this: a robot-led world has a lot to offer.

I don't know why people immediately think of all the downside of this: but they are trying to enslave us humans. Hah! Wrong! remember in the movie, VIKI was trying to protect human, never was enslaving mentioned. What is it that machine needs humans to do for them that they can't accomplish themselves, and do a better job? Is that because they'll get lazy and tired so they'll need slaves? A better question to ask is: is that the first idea sprang into your mind because you are thinking like a human?

If you really think about it from a subjective point of view, we are the ones that manage to f up everything. The earth was fine until we came along. No other species are so intelligent that they are destroying their own living environment. No other species has hunt another one down to extinction, for food or just entertainment, there has always been checks and balances. We are the ones that mess up everything. The robots were fine (in the movie) until we wanted to make them "more human." See? THAT was the real problem. We couldn't leave good enough alone. We want to play God ("God created Adam in His own image...."); we can't help but to make robots more human like.

Now back to what I was originally saying, here's how I envision a robot-ruled world (basing on the assumption in the movie that the purpose was to PROTECT human, not to ENSLAVE us.):

From the very basic: everyone will be taken care of, disabled people, mentally challenged individuals. There will be no more homeless bums. That's like socialism to its fullest.

Take it a step further, since big brother is watching all the time and practically omnipresent, there will also no longer be child-abuse, spousal-abuse, or elderly abuse.

The world can be practically crime free. homocides can be stopped before it happens. Behaviors such as drunk driving and reckless driving can be completely weeded out.

Terrorism? Gone. No one group of fundies killing another group. No any group trying to make their group the nationally or internationally acclaimed religion. And mind you, also no leader of the free world waging unjustified war with another country.

Rest be assured, there will be no greed, no corruption, no abuse of power. (Once again, those who are saying "how do you know?" are totally thinking like a human. Making the assumption that robots are capable to be as evil as human. These are behaviors very unique to human. There will be no greed and corruption simply because they don't need money or materialistic goods, and no ego to get in the way of making decisions.)

Sure. It also said in the movies that some causualty will occur during the human-led to robot-led world. But as I have said, there's always blood-shed in a revolution. It's a small price to pay for a perfect world. After all, haven't we decided for the Iraqii that 10,000 PLUS of their lives is just a small price to pay for freedom? We are not just talking about freedom here, we are talking about the crime-free, perfect world.

Now I know a lot of people simply find this idea resentful. But that's just because most of us have been poisoned by all these science fiction stories since childhood. "Oooh, machines will take over and bad things will happen." Dude! It's a STORY, and by definition you need conflicts to make it a story. Who wants to read about an idea world where people live happily ever after being taken care of by the machine? There's always have to be a villian, an antagonist, much like Cinderella or Snow White's evil stepmothers. They are necessary to make the story work, without them there is no story: so one day this beautiful princess was borning, she grew up happily without much events, married well and lived happily after. You would pay money to watch that? What's the lesson in that story? (Not that Cinderella and Snow White have a very good lesson: be pretty and the prince will choose you.)

So in the science fiction stories, the robots are inevitably made the "bad guys," and the only way the story can end is that human had, once again, defeated the bad guys and restored this concept of "free will."

A lot might argue about being "uncomfortable" of being monitored all the time. But why not? Most fundies believe that their Gods are watching all the time anyway. Just think of robots as some sort of a pseudo God, there to ensure our safety. After all, it's not a voyeur on the other end watching. You'll be surprised at how fast you can adapt to that.

So I was telling this idea to a friend last night (this said friend shall be referred to as "DD" from now on). DD's argument was very interesting (and probably represent some of the most of the general (mis)conceptions). He used the scene in the movie where the robot "decided" to save Will Smith instead of the little girl in the car accident. I wasn't sure what his point was, there were two victims (probably more, there's also the girls dad who was allegedly driving their car) and apparently the robot could save only 1. It made an assessment that Will had better odds of surviving. That makes PERFECT sense. Should it had gone for the girl, it might lose both. Isn't saving one better than losing both? I don't understand why the life of a little girl is naturally more valuable than that of an adult male. Aren't we taught to think that all lives are equal? (Or was I thinking about Animal Farm?) According to DD, the girl's life is more precious because he has no parents, never mind that his grandmother will be devastated to lost her only kin at her age (apparently she's old, so her loss is acceptable). I found that logic completely bizarre. Regardless, I do realize that my value/standard/logic sometimes deviates from th at of the norm. If AGE (and suriving kins) should be the determining factors instead of the chance of survival, then for Pete's sake, program the robots that way. Don't blame them for doing what they are programmed to do!

For you information, during medical school interview, one of the questions is: if there's a 24-yr-old patient and a 67-yr-old patient, and you can only tend to one (or there's only 1 bed), what would you do. Mind you, the correct answer is NOT "Screw the old man 'cause he had lived long enough and go to the 24-yr-old of course.")

Had we read about science fiction stories that promote a robot-controlled ideal world, we might not be as resistent to the idea today.

Sudolly Had Me Pegged

My next batch of toys. :D (All hubby's fault for dragging me into a shopping center with a BrookStone in it. :D)

Good Christmas gift idea (for me). Hint, hint.

I am SO getting this mini exercise bike.

Maybe even the cardio stepper!! I can have a gym room when we get a newer and bigger house. :D

Sunday, July 18, 2004

God Bless You

You know the guy who made a big fuss out of the school system making his daughter reciting the Pledge of Allegiance including "one nation under God" everyday? Well, when I first heard the news, I thought "what's the big deal? It's not worth the hassle." I simply don't think most kids really think about the meaning of the words they recite everyday. I went to a Catholic schools, I used to know all the prayers by heart, just don't ask me what they really say.

But this guy's action has got me thinking -- by enforcing the reciting of "one nation under God" in school, it surely gives the false impression to a lot that Catholics are the official nation religion. And it sure makes a statement that this religion is more true than others.

There's this co-worker of mine that I sort of hang out with who likes to say "I'll pray for you." So one time I nicely told her that I'm an atheist. Her response? "Oh, you are so funny." To date I have no clue why that statement is funny? Let me try that one from now on.

"I'm a Muslim." "Oh, you are so funny."
"I'm Jewish." "Oh, you are so funny."
"I'm a Buddist." "Oh, you are hilarious."

Whatever that means.

It's getting to a point that people who'd include "God bless you" at the end of their speech (in everyday life, not talking about politicians) and/or emails are starting to annoy me. So i think I should tag on a line that stresses my "religious belief" or lack thereof also.

I thought about:

"Budda bless you." But since Buddism really doesn't believe in one superior being (so I was told), that statement doesn't even make any sense.

Buddism, however, believes in "karma." So I thought about,

"Do good deeds, and may good karma be with you."

But "karma" has been used so generally I doubt people would even associate that with a religious statement, let alone the fact that I am not a Buddist either.

My next thought was:

"Your God or mine?"

Hubby suggested:

"You may believe in your false prophet, but don't force it upon me."

But that would just make me sound as hateful as a religious fundamentalist, wouldn't it? Surely I could not stoop to THEIR level. That would just be insulting.

Which brings me to my next point. Why isn't there a derogatory term for "religious fundamentalist"? Or is there one that I am not aware of? Maybe I should start calling them the "fundies." :D

I, Robot aka Theater Nightmare

Finally went to see another movie in the theater. No offense, but is it a San Diego thing or just the Pacific Town Square All Stadium 14? EVERY SINGLE movie that we have watched there there's either someone freely chatting on their cell phone or with the person next to them. I can pretty much COUNT on that.

The last movie we watched there was "Harry Potter III," and this two girls behind us started talking uninterruptedly as soon as the movie began. It's like they were unable to enjoy the movie without discussing it THROUGHOUT the entire movie. Right away I knew I would not be able to sit through the ENTIRE movie with these two BITCHES sitting behind me. (And yes, I am very bitter about the issue.) Finally we decided to move up and to the far left of the theater, the two seaters, with no one in front of or behind us.

We employed the same strategy today, it seems the only way I am able to enjoy a movie in Pacific Town Square All Stadium 14 located on 4665 Clairemont Drive. For the first 10-15 minutes into the movie, someone had obviously smuggled in outside food, which I couldn't care less. After all, I don't work for the theater. But you know that annoying sound that plastic grocery bags make? Imagine 10-15 mins of that in a theater. So lucky the guy was some 3-4 rows above us. Hubby claimed he didn't hear a thing. He is a lucky man.

Occasionaly through the rest of the movie, I can hear people making comments from the CENTER part of the CENTER asile, approximately 2 rows above us. (We are talking about a good 10 feet from where we sat.) I couldn't really make out what he or she was saying, but wow, he or she must be talking LOUD. I am working on a strategy to ensure that nobody will sit in the rows directly in front of and behind us in the future. :)

Oh, by the way, it was Will Smith's "I, Robot" that we watched. I loved it. Action filled. I couldn't even find a break long enough to go use the restroom. I give it A++ (best part was all the jerks in the theater were too far away to bother me :). Hubby on the other hand only gave it a B, "too predictable and some bad acting" was his comment. :(

Next week there's Matt Damon's "Bourne Supremacy," the week after that there's M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village," (maybe even Danzel Washington's "Manchurian Candidate") and the following week there's Tom Cruise's "Collateral." Summer is cooooool. Anyone can suggest a theater in San Diego without selfish bastards??

Saturday, July 17, 2004

A Walk in the Park

Woohoo! I made hubby called up ISP and obtained ftp username and password, therefore this site is revived!! :) Revived being I'll litter pictures all over it and they go dormant again. :D

Took some pictures around San Diego downtown because of my newly purchased RadioShack 1.3 megapixel camera. :))

I think my friend Helen might like this one:

My co-worker said this is hibiscus, state flower of Hiwaii. I looked at a couple of hibiscus websites, but all of the hibiscus in their pictures are more colorful and prettier than this one. :D

A group of girls at my work place decided to go for a walk at Seaport Village one day during lunch, so I took the liberty to take a few pictures. Check out these kites, they have these colorful, pretty, spiral ones, and they even have a FROG one!! Imagine that!!

On our way back to work, we saw a Japanese beetle (so said my all knowing co-worker):

S and I took the liberty to block a Mercedes from exiting the parking garage to take a picture of the beetle. XD

Our Memorial Day Weekend Trip

Over the memorial day weekend hubby and I decided to go back to Sacramento to check on our house, just to make sure all the walls are still intact, you know? :)) I've decided to take the cat with us too, I just don't have the heart to leave her in the apartment all by herself for 4 days. Last time we had someone come over to check on her she forgot to give kitty water. :(

As you all (people with cats) know, cats do NOT like travelling in a car. So she started making this very pathetic noise as soon as we started on the journey. Apprently hubby has a soft spot for that, so we decided to let the cat roam free in the car. Here's kitty decided that hubby's lap is a good spot:

Then she decided that she wanted to be in the driver seat when hubby was out pumping gas:

Check out our super duper cat tree in our house in Sacramento:

It's made by one of our wonderful neighbor basing on the 3D model that I made:

(The thing on the cat tree, if you squint, is the 3D model made by ME! I wish I had taken a better picture of my 3D model. :~(

*Sniff* *sniff* II

Okay, tried out, wasn't quite what I want. :( And hubby fell asleep while I was messing around with Hopefully he'll get the ftp info from the ISP provider soon so I can upload pictures to you all anxiously waiting folks again. :D

My Blog, *sniff* *sniff*

I haven't been writing for a while mainly because I was discouraged for having only TWO readers. :D That and I realized inputting multiple entries everyday is taking away a good chunk of my life, its about all I do after work and before I go to bed. The other day I actually read a REAL book!!  This one:


And my husband merely entertain me by allowing me to buy it but never expected me to open it up and read it once we get home, just like the many other books I have -- some solely for collection purposes. :D

Amazingly (even to myself!), I read a short story in it the very first day I bought it home. I've forgotten what a book smells and feels like and it was a pleasant experience. :) It was a short story by one of my all time favorite science fiction writer Nancy Kress called "Es-Ej." And I enjoyed the story a lot. :)

That said, you've (who?) probably noticed that most of the pictures are missing from my blog. *sniff* *sniff* Yeah, the server that has been hosting my pictures is going down, permanently. Until hubby and I move back to Sacramento and set up our own servers at home :))), I'm just going to be a lost soul.

It's been so long since I've been to blogger they've really changed the inside look of it, even has a button for posting pictures. Perhaps there IS a God after all? :) I've got LOTS of pictures to post now that I have a new 1.3 megapixel camera AND I've got it to work... well, sort of.

Thursday, July 08, 2004


Today is a happy day. Like I've said, when I am not grumpy, I'm a cheerful person, at least I hope I am. You see, evidently when you work at San Diego downtown, parking can cost you an arm and a leg -- $150 a month to park in the parking garage underneath the building I work. Yup. And I thought it was bad when I had to pay $60 while working for UCD Medical Center. Luckily I found this open garage couple blocks from my office building that costs only $120 a month. They are so new that there's no electronic gates and stuff, so there's this attendent there every morning that kinda peeks at the permit on top of my dashboard everyday as I drive into the lot, and he'd wave at me everyday. Not to wave me in, but the friendly type of wave. It's very, very nice to start out a day seeing a friendly smile. :) Thank you, parking lot attendent. :D I guess perhaps I should find out his name some day, huh?

I bought a muffin for breakfast today and on the counter were advertisement for cheesecakes. It's a very colorful brochure and I'd love to put it on here, but scanning and taking a picture of it both failed. If I still remember it over the weekend I'll pester hubby to figure out the best way to get it onto my blog to show to you all (all, once again, being all THREE of my readers XD). I've never know there are so many different kind of cheesecakes, just listen to it: chocolate cheesecake, caramel turtle cheesecake, cookies n'creme cheesecake, pumpkin swirl cheesecake.... Oh my, if only I am some 30 lbs lighter than I am right now. :)

Anyways, the pictures of the cheesecakes are beautiful so I subsequently went online hoping that I can find more pretty cheesecake pictures that I can download (believe it or not, the place that gave out the brochure do NOT have a website, or they forgot to print it on the brochure. Gee, it's the informational age, catch up with the technology, will you?). Then I stumbled upon the website of The Cheesecake Factory. Interesingly enough, you can have a one-year subscription with The Cheesecake Factory. Upon joining they'll send you one of their signature cheesecake once a month (or once every two months) for a year. Which, in my opinion, is kind of an interesting concept. And the cost of the cakes? $54.95 for a 10" cake and $37.95 for a 7" cake PER MONTH!! Man, that must be some pretty damn good cheesecakes. :D

I am so Spoiled...

The exercise machine arrived today!!! :) I was right, the rediculous shipping time is just buffer. :)) I liked it a lot. I didn't know even the cheapest version came with the electronic timer and calories count. Somehow I doubt that part is accurate, apparently I burned some 200 calories without evening feeling a thing. If that's accurate, well, it's my next best friend. :)

I feel so bad, hubby let me bought this today:

It's not exactly the same as the last one (some twoo weeks ago) that I got. This one has true 1.3 megapixel resolution AND a flash AND external memory (SD). :D Even I think that I am spoiled...

And I was looking for pictures online for this set of Whirlpool washer and dryer that I saw in many model houses over the weekend. I even saw it on commercial today, but I couldn't find them online, yet. The most awful thing is: instead of reading about the functionality of the machine, I was looking for "alternate colors." Evidently I "fell in love" with the pair of washer and dryer because they were blue... and BIG. :D Should have taken pictures while we were there, and of those beautiful tiles in the kitchen and bathroom... :D

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Unky's Mood

Going to do some advertising for Unky's Mood (to my TWO readers :D), after all I do use her service for free. :) Didn't realize that I've left my mood on "P.M.S.y" forever. Might as well, I have a fairly quick temper, PMS or no PMS. :)

When I am not grumpy, I am a very cheerful person -- sometimes obnoxiously so. Ran into this lady in the employee's lounge today. She asked me if I've just returned from a vacation. I said, "No, I've been here everyday." Evidently she asked that because I seem so "refreshed and happy." Well, sorry for being too happy of a person. :P

I Fold

I finally fold and bought a cell phone on ebay. I can't wait for the beautiful, sleek Sony Ericsson S700, my old cell phone is quickly coming close to the end of it's lifespan. I'd absolutely HATE to be locked into another TWO years contract, so ebay is my next best alternative.

I bought the Sanyo SCP-5300 on ebay for $100. No contract, no strings attached -- so the Sprint sales rep told me this morning, just wait till I actually try to transfer the phone number over -- that way I'll be availabe for my S700 when it comes out in Q4 of this year. :)

Look what else I found on ebay:


Man, I've GOT to stop shopping on ebay. My coworker says it's just as bad as Home Shopping Channel. LOL. I think she might have a point there. Here's my conversation with her:

"I've found something that I HAVE to have."
"What is it?"
"A Tivo antenna ball."
"And you HAVE to have it?"
"Because I need it in order to complete my life."
"You sure you don't have a problem?"

Okay, so maybe I am a bit of a nutcase. But hubby always encourages my knickknack-collecting hobby. :) HE actually said "you (meaning me :) are not spoiled, you are just well taken care of." LOLOL. I am SUCH a lucky woman. :)

I am Back!!!

Like anyone really cares...

Anyways, I haven't wrote for like 5 days. And it's NOT because I am lazy OR that I've lost interest in blogging like I do with almost everything else in my life, but we went back to Sacramento for the July 4th weekend. It was hubby's idea, he wants to make sure all the walls are still intact in our house.

The weekend was fun. We drove a lot. (No kidding, it's 8 hrs there and 8 hrs back!!) Hubby dragged me all over the places looking at the new houses around the around. Then when I fell in love with them, he said we shouldn't upgrade our house for another year or two. Boo!

He's notoriously at doing that. You see, once upon a time, I said I want a Toyota Prius. In all honesty, I mean some 3-5 yrs from the time I made that statement. What did hubby do? He browsed the net to find out exactly how much one cost THEN he took me to a dealer place and we test drove the car. Now it's REAL, and I want one like NOW. :(

When we got back Monday night I can't help but bathe the cat. We let her hang loose in the car and she was all over the place. Her favorite spot was the driver seat side floor. What a strange cat. Hubby was very distressed that I bathed the cat. He doesn't believe that one should bathe her cat.... He is strange like that.

So we've decided that I am moving back to Sacramento when hubby goes on his *very last* deployment. Boo! Not that I am too overly attached to San Diego -- kinda hard when you can't afford a house here. We looked at houses in Oceanside. Man, we can buy a house that's older than ours right now in Sac for almost twice the price. How's that for depressing?

I have NO Idea what I am going to do in Sac after I go back there. Eh, I'll figure out something. A job, some income, then wait for hubby to bring home the dough so we can get a bigger and better house. :) One with 3-car garage.

Overall I am happy about my temporary stay in San Diego. Working at my current company has given me some insight into what I might want to do in the future. For the time being, I live a day at a time. Hehehe. Something that drives hubby crazy. :)

Thursday, July 01, 2004


Oh boy, and my husband thought I eat everything.